Year 2015 Day 1 Part 2
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 19 additions and 2 deletions
@ -12,12 +12,29 @@ trackFloor start ('(' :: xs) = trackFloor (start + 1) xs
trackFloor start (')' :: xs) = trackFloor (start - 1) xs
trackFloor start (x :: xs) = trackFloor start xs
findBasement : (position : Nat) -> (currentFloor : Integer) -> (xs : List Char)
-> Nat
findBasement position currentFloor [] = position
findBasement position currentFloor ('(' :: xs) =
findBasement (position + 1) (currentFloor + 1) xs
findBasement position currentFloor (')' :: xs) =
if currentFloor <= 0
then position
else findBasement (position + 1) (currentFloor - 1) xs
findBasement position currentFloor (x :: xs) =
findBasement (position + 1) currentFloor xs
part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Integer, ())
part1 = do
input <- map unpack $ askAt "input"
let output = trackFloor 0 input
pure (output, ())
part2 : () -> Eff (PartEff String) Nat
part2 x = do
input <- map unpack $ askAt "input"
pure $ findBasement 1 0 input
public export
day1 : Day
day1 = First 1 part1
day1 = Both 1 part1 part2
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