Initial commit
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 373 additions and 0 deletions
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package advent
version = 0.1.0
authors = "Nathan McCarty"
-- maintainers =
-- license =
-- brief =
-- readme =
-- homepage =
-- sourceloc =
-- bugtracker =
-- the Idris2 version required (e.g. langversion >= 0.5.1)
-- langversion
-- packages to add to search path
depends = base
, contrib
, structures
, eff
, elab-util
, ansi
, if-unsolved-implicit
-- modules to install
modules = Runner
, Util
, Util.Eff
-- main file (i.e. file to load at REPL)
main = Main
-- name of executable
executable = "advent"
-- opts =
sourcedir = "src"
-- builddir =
-- outputdir =
-- script to run before building
-- prebuild =
-- script to run after building
-- postbuild =
-- script to run after building, before installing
-- preinstall =
-- script to run after installing
-- postinstall =
-- script to run before cleaning
-- preclean =
-- script to run after cleaning
-- postclean =
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type = "local"
path = "."
ipkg = "advent.ipkg"
type = "local"
path = "../structures"
ipkg = "structures.ipkg"
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module Main
import System
import System.Path
import System.File
import System.Directory
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Data.String
import Data.Vect
import Control.Eff
import Derive.Prelude
import Structures.Dependent.FreshList
import Runner
import Util
import Util.Eff
import Years.Y2015;
%language ElabReflection
%default total
data Flag = UseExample | Verbose
%runElab derive "Flag" [Eq, Show]
advent : Advent
advent = MkAdvent [
options : List (OptDescr Flag)
options =
MkOpt ['u'] ["use-example"] (NoArg UseExample) "Use example input instead of main input"
, MkOpt ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "Enable logging to stderr"
header : String
header = "Usage: advent YEAR DAY [OPTION...]"
data Error : Type where
OptionsError : (errs : List String) -> Error
ArgumentsError : (count : Nat) -> Error
InvalidYear : (year : String) -> Error
InvalidDay : (year : Nat) -> (day : String) -> Error
NoSuchDay : (year : Nat) -> (day : Nat) -> Error
NoCurrentDir : Error
InputRead : (path : String) -> (err : FileError) -> Error
SolveError : Show e => (year, day, part : Nat) -> (err : e) -> Error
%name Error err
Show Error where
show (OptionsError errs) =
let errs = unlines . map (" " ++) . lines . joinBy "\n" $ errs
in "Error parsing options:\n" ++ errs ++ "\n" ++ usageInfo header options
show (ArgumentsError count) =
"Error parsing arguments: Expected 2 positional arguments, got \{show count}. Provide only year and date.\n" ++
usageInfo header options
show (InvalidYear year) =
"Error parsing arguments: Unable to parse year argument: \{year}"
show (InvalidDay year day) =
"Error parsing arguments: Failed to parse day \{day} of year \{show year}"
show (NoSuchDay year day) =
"Error locating day: No such day \{show day} of year \{show year}"
show NoCurrentDir =
"Unknown error getting current working directory"
show (InputRead path err) =
let err = unlines . map (" " ++) . lines . show $ err
in "Error reading input: Encountered error reading input at \{path}\n" ++ err
show (SolveError year day part err) =
let err = unlines . map (" " ++) . lines . show $ err
in "Error solving day \{show day} part \{show part} of year \{show year}: \n" ++ err
||| Convert the non-option arguments into a Year/Day pair
argumentsToPair : Has (Except Error) fs =>
List String -> Eff fs (Nat, Nat)
argumentsToPair [] = throw $ ArgumentsError 0
argumentsToPair [x] = throw $ ArgumentsError 1
argumentsToPair [year, day] = do
year <- note (InvalidYear year) $ parsePositive year
day <- note (InvalidDay year day) $ parsePositive day
pure (year, day)
argumentsToPair xs = throw $ ArgumentsError (length xs)
||| Actual main, as an effectful computation
start : Eff [IO, Except Error] ()
start = do
-- Read and parse arguments/options
args <- getArgs
let opts = getOpt Permute options (drop 1 args)
when (not . null $ opts.errors) $
throw (OptionsError opts.errors)
(year, day_n) <- argumentsToPair opts.nonOptions
-- If the verbose flag is set, hook up the logging writer to stderr
let verbose = any (== Verbose) opts.options
let logHandler : Eff [IO, Except Error, WriterL "log" String] () -> Eff [IO, Except Error] () =
if verbose
then handleLog ePutStrLn
else handleLog (\x => pure ())
-- Add the logging writer to the effect
logHandler $ do
-- Locate and read in the input file
Just cwd <- currentDir | _ => throw NoCurrentDir
let cwd = parse cwd
let use_example = any (== UseExample) opts.options
let base_dir = cwd /> "inputs" /> (if use_example then "examples" else "real");
let input_path = show $ base_dir /> (show year) /> (show day_n)
info "Reading input from \{input_path}"
Right contents <- readFile input_path | Left err => throw $ InputRead input_path err
-- Now add the reader that provides the input to the effect
runReaderAt "input" contents {fs = PartEff Error} $ do
-- Attempt to locate the provided day
Just day <- pure $ locate year day_n advent | _ => throw $ NoSuchDay year day_n
-- Run part 1
part_1 <- lift $ runExcept day.part1
(part_1, ctx) <- rethrow . mapLeft (SolveError year day_n 1 @{day.showErr1}) $ part_1
putStrLn "\{show year} day \{show day_n} part 1:"
putStrLn $ unlines . map (" " ++) . lines . show @{day.showOut1} $ part_1
-- Run part 2 if we have it
case day.part2 of
Nothing => pure ()
Just part_2_f => do
part_2 <- lift . runExcept $ part_2_f ctx
part_2 <- rethrow . mapLeft (SolveError year day_n 2 @{day.showErr2}) $ part_2
putStrLn "\{show year} day \{show day_n} part 2:"
putStrLn $ unlines . map (" " ++) . lines . show @{day.showOut2} $ part_2
-- print to standard error
ePutStrLn : String -> IO ()
ePutStrLn str = do
_ <- fPutStrLn stderr str
pure ()
-- Decompose a writer, eases type inference
unwriter : WriterL "log" String a -> (a, String)
unwriter (Tell vw) = ((), vw)
-- Lowers logging into IO within the effect using the given IO function
handleLog :
Has (WriterL "log" String) fs => Has IO (fs - WriterL "log" String) =>
(tell : String -> IO ()) -> Eff fs a -> Eff (fs - (WriterL "log" String)) a
handleLog tell x =
(\msg, f =>
do let (val, msg) = unwriter msg
_ <- send $ tell msg
f val) x
||| Shim main, which simply executes the effectful computation
main : IO ()
main = runEff start [id, handleError]
handleError : Except Error a -> IO a
handleError (Err err) = do
printLn err
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module Runner
import Control.Eff
import Structures.Dependent.FreshList
||| The effect type is the same in boths parts one and two, modulo potentially
||| different error types, so we calucate it here
public export
PartEff : (err : Type) -> List (Type -> Type)
PartEff err =
[IO, Except err, WriterL "log" String, ReaderL "input" String]
||| Model solving a single day
public export
record Day where
constructor MkDay
day : Nat
{0 out1, out2, err1, err2 : Type}
{auto showOut1 : Show out1}
{auto showOut2 : Show out2}
{auto showErr1 : Show err1}
{auto showErr2 : Show err2}
part1 : Eff (PartEff err1) (out1, ctx)
part2 : Maybe (ctx -> Eff (PartEff err2) out2)
%name Day day, day2, day3
namespace Day
||| Constructor for a day with only part one ready to run
public export
First : Show err => Show out =>
(day : Nat) -> (part1 : Eff (PartEff err) (out, ctx'))
-> Day
First day part1 =
MkDay day part1 Nothing {out2 = ()} {err2 = ()}
||| Constructor for a day with both parts ready to run
public export
Both : Show o1 => Show o2 => Show e1 => Show e2 =>
(day : Nat) -> (part1 : Eff (PartEff e1) (o1, ctx')) ->
(part2 :ctx' -> Eff (PartEff e2) o2)
-> Day
Both day part1 part2 =
MkDay day part1 (Just part2)
||| Freshness criteria for days
||| A day is fresh compared to another if the day number of the former day is
||| strictly less than the day number of the latter day
||| This ensures that the days list is always in incrimenting sorted order
||| (since we are consing to the front of the list) with no duplicate days
public export
FreshDay : Day -> Day -> Bool
FreshDay x y = <
||| Collect all the days in a given year
public export
record Year where
constructor MkYear
year : Nat
days : FreshList FreshDay Day
%name Year year, year2, year3
||| Freshness criteria for years
||| A year is fresh compared to another if the year number of the former year is
||| strictly less than the year number of the latter year
||| This ensures that the years list is always in incrimenting sorted order
||| (since we are consing to the front of the list) with no duplicate years
public export
FreshYear : Year -> Year -> Bool
FreshYear x y = x.year < y.year
||| Collect all years
public export
record Advent where
constructor MkAdvent
years : FreshList FreshYear Year
%name Advent advent, advent2, advent3
namespace Advent
||| Attempt to locate `Day` entry corresponding to the provided day and year numbers
locate : (year, day : Nat) -> Advent -> Maybe Day
locate year day advent = do
year <- find (\x => x.year == year) advent.years
find (\x => == day) year.days
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module Util
-- Standard Data Type Extensions --
namespace Either
mapLeft : (f : a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
mapLeft f (Left x) = Left (f x)
mapLeft f (Right x) = Right x
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module Util.Eff
import Control.Eff
import Text.ANSI
-- Logging Utilities --
namespace Logging
info : Has (WriterL "log" String) fs => String -> Eff fs ()
info str =
let tag = show . bolden . show . colored Green $ "[INFO]"
in tellAt "log" (tag ++ ": " ++ str ++ "\n")
debug : Has (WriterL "log" String) fs => String -> Eff fs ()
debug str =
let tag = show . bolden . show . colored BrightWhite $ "[DEBUG]"
in tellAt "log" (tag ++ ": " ++ str ++ "\n")
warn : Has (WriterL "log" String) fs => String -> Eff fs ()
warn str =
let tag = show . bolden . show . colored Yellow $ "[WARN]"
in tellAt "log" (tag ++ ": " ++ str ++ "\n")
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module Years.Y2015
import Structures.Dependent.FreshList
import Runner
import Years.Y2015.Day1
y2015 : Year
y2015 = MkYear 2015 [
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module Years.Y2015.Day1
import Control.Eff
import Runner
part1 : Eff (PartEff String) ((), ())
day1 : Day
day1 = First 1 part1
Add table
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