Year 2015 Day 13 Part 1
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 255 additions and 0 deletions
@ -132,7 +132,13 @@ solution.
New Parser Effect stack and DLists
- [Day 13](src/Years/Y2015/
Naive ring buffer and `parameters` blocks[^2]
## References
[^1]: Idris 2 Manual:
[Views and the "with" rule](
[^2]: <>
@ -34,3 +34,4 @@
- [Day 10 - Digits View](Years/Y2015/
- [Day 11 - Refinement Types](Years/Y2015/
- [Day 12 - Custom Parser Effect and DLists](Years/Y2015/
- [Day 13 - Naive Ring Buffer and parameters blocks](Years/Y2015/
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Years.Y2015.Day9
import Years.Y2015.Day10
import Years.Y2015.Day11
import Years.Y2015.Day12
import Years.Y2015.Day13
# Days
@ -101,6 +102,12 @@ y2015 = MkYear 2015 [
, day12
## [Day 13](Y2015/
, day13
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# [Year 2015 Day 13](
This day exhibits a naive, `Vect` based implementation of a ring buffer, as well
as our first introduction to `parameters` blocks.
```idris hide
module Years.Y2015.Day13
import Data.Primitives.Interpolation
import Control.Eff
import Runner
import Data.String
import Data.List1
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.Vect
import Data.Maybe
import Data.SortedMap.Dependent
import Decidable.Equality
import Util
%default total
## Parsing and Data Structures
Name : Type
Name = String
Happiness : Type
Happiness = Integer
Describe a change in happiness from a change in seating arrangement as data
structure, indexed by the name of the individual whose happiness it describes,
and provide some projections.
data Change : (changee : Name) -> Type where
NextTo : (changee : Name) -> (other : Name) -> (amount : Happiness)
-> Change (changee)
(.changee) : Change changee -> Name
(.changee) (NextTo changee _ _) = changee
(.other) : Change changee -> Name
(.other) (NextTo _ other _) = other
(.amount) : Change changee -> Happiness
(.amount) (NextTo _ _ amount) = amount
Collect the list of changes provided as input into a structure that encodes our
assumptions at the type level.
The changes are stored in a in a dependent map, with the name of the individual
as the key, and lists of potential changes to their happiness as the values.
This problem is a bit nicer to express in terms of a collection of known size,
and we don't want to be constantly converting the keys list to a `Vect`, so we
instead store it in `Changes` as a `Vect`. We don't want to accidentally store
the wrong thing here, so we store an auto-implicit proof of equality,
`keys_prf`, proving that the `names` list is exactly the list of keys in
`change_map` converted to a Vect with `fromList`.
It will also make things a bit nicer if we can assume that our `names` list is
non-empty, after all it really doesn't make sense to talk about seating
arrangements at a table with 0 people at it, so we store an auto-implict
`nonempty` proof establishing that the length of `change_map`'s keys list, and
thus `names`, is at least 1.
record Changes where
constructor MkChanges
change_map : SortedDMap Name (\n => List (Change n))
names : Vect (length (keys change_map)) Name
{auto keys_prf : names = fromList (keys change_map)}
{auto nonempty : IsSucc (length (keys change_map))}
Our usual pattern-matching based parsing of one element of the input, returning
a dependent pair of the name of the individual this record describes, and the
change described by that record.
parseChange : Has (Except String) fs => String -> Eff fs (name ** Change name)
parseChange str = do
changee ::: [_, direction, amount, _, _, _, _, _, _, other]
<- pure $ split (== ' ') str
| _ => throw "Invalid input string \{str}"
amount <- note "Invalid amount \{amount} in \{str}" $ parseInteger amount
amount : Happiness <-
case direction of
"gain" => pure amount
"lose" => pure $ negate amount
x => throw "Invalid direction \{x} in \{str}"
let other = pack . filter (/= '.') . unpack $ other
pure (_ ** (changee `NextTo` other) amount)
Parse the entire list of changes in the input, collecting them into a dependent
map as we go along, and performing the checks needed for Idris to be satisfied
that the conditions encoded by the auto-implict proofs in `Changes` are met.
parseChanges : Has (Except String) fs =>
List String -> Eff fs Changes
parseChanges strs = do
changes <- traverse parseChange strs
let change_map = insertChanges changes empty
case isItSucc (length (keys change_map)) of
Yes prf => pure $ MkChanges change_map (fromList (keys change_map))
No contra => throw "Empty table, not very interesting"
insertChanges : List (name ** Change name)
-> (acc : SortedDMap Name (\n => List (Change n)))
-> SortedDMap Name (\n => List (Change n))
insertChanges [] acc = acc
insertChanges ((name ** change) :: xs) acc =
case lookupPrecise name acc of
Nothing => insertChanges xs (insert name [change] acc)
Just ys => insertChanges xs (insert name (change :: ys) acc)
## Solver functions
All of these functions are about to take the same first argument,
`(cs : Changes)`. This is a really common occurrence, especially when dealing
with dependent proof types, so Idris has syntax sugar to avoid repeating your
self in theses situations, `parameters` blocks[^1].
A `parameters` block adds the provided arguments to the start of every top level
signature contained within it, in this case, making the first argument of all of
these functions have type `(cs : Changes)`. The arguments to the `parameters`
blocks are also added to the front of the arguments list, using the names
provided in the signature.
`parameters` blocks also provide another fun bit of functionality that makes
code within them more concise, within a `parameters` block, the parameters are
implicitly passed as arguments to calls to functions in the same block.
parameters (cs : Changes)
Calculate the happiness change for a given person in a seating arrangement, use
`finS` and `unfinS` to get the indexes of the parties seated to either side of
us, and look them up in our map, adding the amount of change described by them
Notice how `cs` appears neither in the arguments list, nor the type signature,
yet we can still refer to it as if it was included at the start of both.
happinessFor :
(arrangement : Vect (length (keys cs.change_map)) Name)
-> (idx : Fin (length (keys cs.change_map)))
-> Happiness
happinessFor arrangement idx =
let name = idx `index` arrangement
in case name `lookupPrecise` cs.change_map of
Nothing => 0
Just changes =>
let name_right = (finS idx) `index` arrangement
change_right =
fromMaybe 0 . map (.amount) . find ((== name_right) . (.other)) $
name_left = (unfinS idx) `index` arrangement
change_left =
fromMaybe 0 . map (.amount) . find ((== name_left) . (.other)) $
in change_right + change_left
Calculate the overall happiness change for a given arrangement by mapping our
`happinessFor` function over a list of all possible indexes to the `arrangement`
vect, and summing the results.
Notice how the `cs` parameter is implicitly passed to `happinessFor`, as we are
inside the same `parameters` block as it.
happinessChange :
(arrangement : Vect (length (keys cs.change_map)) Name)
-> Happiness
happinessChange arrangement =
let idxes = List.allFins (length (keys cs.change_map))
changes = map (happinessFor arrangement) idxes
in sum changes
Find the arrangement with the maximum total change in happiness by mapping
`happinessChange` over a list of all the possible permutations of our seed
arrangement described by `names`, and using `maxBy` to identify the largest
positive change in overall happiness.
maxHappiness : Has (Except String) fs =>
Eff fs (Happiness, Vect (length (keys cs.change_map)) Name)
maxHappiness =
let arrangements = permutations cs.names
changes = map happinessChange arrangements
pairs = zip changes arrangements
in case pairs of
[] => throw "No arrangements"
(x :: xs) => pure $ maxBy (compare `on` fst) x xs
## Part Functions
### Part 1
Parse our input and feed it into our `maxHappiness` function.
Notice how, since we are outside the `parameters` block, we have to provide the
`cs` argument to `maxHappiness` explicitly.
part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Happiness, ())
part1 = do
input <- map lines $ askAt "input"
changes <- parseChanges input
(max, arrangement) <- maxHappiness changes
pure (max, ())
```idris hide
public export
day13 : Day
day13 = First 13 part1
## References
[^1]: <>
Add table
Reference in a new issue