Add permutations and LazyList.length to Util
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 111 additions and 43 deletions
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Data.SortedSet
import Data.String
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.List1
import Data.Vect
%default total
@ -56,13 +57,13 @@ namespace List
Returns `True` if the list contains the given value
contains : Eq a => a -> List a -> Bool
contains x [] = False
contains x (y :: xs) =
if x == y
then True
else contains x xs
contains : Eq a => a -> List a -> Bool
contains x [] = False
contains x (y :: xs) =
if x == y
then True
else contains x xs
### rotations
@ -76,16 +77,64 @@ rotations [1, 2, 3] == [[1, 2, 3], [3, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1]]
rotations : List a -> List (List a)
rotations xs = rotations' (length xs) xs []
rotations' : Nat -> List a -> (acc : List (List a)) -> List (List a)
rotations' 0 xs acc = acc
rotations' (S k) [] acc = acc
rotations' (S k) (x :: xs) acc =
let next = xs ++ [x]
in rotations' k next (next :: acc)
rotations : List a -> List (List a)
rotations xs = rotations' (length xs) xs []
rotations' : Nat -> List a -> (acc : List (List a)) -> List (List a)
rotations' 0 xs acc = acc
rotations' (S k) [] acc = acc
rotations' (S k) (x :: xs) acc =
let next = xs ++ [x]
in rotations' k next (next :: acc)
### permutations
Lazily generate all of the permutations of a list
permutations : List a -> LazyList (List a)
permutations [] = pure []
permutations xs = do
(head, tail) <- select xs
tail <- permutations (assert_smaller xs tail)
pure $ head :: tail
consSnd : a -> (a, List a) -> (a, List a)
consSnd x (y, xs) = (y, x :: xs)
select : List a -> LazyList (a, List a)
select [] = []
select (x :: xs) = (x, xs) :: map (consSnd x) (select xs)
## Vect
```idris hide
namespace Vect
### permutations
Lazily generate all the permutations of a Vect
permutations : Vect n a -> LazyList (Vect n a)
permutations [] = []
permutations [x] = [[x]]
permutations (x :: xs) = do
(head, tail) <- select (x :: xs)
tail <- permutations tail
pure $ head :: tail
consSnd : a -> (a, Vect m a) -> (a, Vect (S m) a)
consSnd x (y, xs) = (y, x :: xs)
select : Vect (S m) a -> LazyList (a, Vect m a)
select [y] = [(y, [])]
select (y :: (z :: ys)) =
(y, z :: ys) :: map (consSnd y) (select (z :: ys))
## Vectors
@ -166,20 +215,24 @@ off of the string at a time, checking if the needle is a prefix at each step.
### Cartesian product
```idris hide
namespace LazyList
Lazily take the cartesian product of two foldables
cartProd : Foldable a => Foldable b => a e -> b f -> LazyList (e, f)
cartProd x y =
let y = foldToLazy y
in foldr (\e, acc => combine e y acc) [] x
foldToLazy : Foldable a' => a' e' -> LazyList e'
foldToLazy x = foldr (\e, acc => e :: acc) [] x
combine : e -> LazyList f -> LazyList (e, f) -> LazyList (e, f)
combine x [] rest = rest
combine x (y :: ys) rest = (x, y) :: combine x ys rest
cartProd : Foldable a => Foldable b => a e -> b f -> LazyList (e, f)
cartProd x y =
let y = foldToLazy y
in foldr (\e, acc => combine e y acc) [] x
foldToLazy : Foldable a' => a' e' -> LazyList e'
foldToLazy x = foldr (\e, acc => e :: acc) [] x
combine : e -> LazyList f -> LazyList (e, f) -> LazyList (e, f)
combine x [] rest = rest
combine x (y :: ys) rest = (x, y) :: combine x ys rest
### Concat
@ -187,10 +240,10 @@ cartProd x y =
Lazily concatenate a LazyList of LazyLists
lazyConcat : LazyList (LazyList a) -> LazyList a
lazyConcat [] = []
lazyConcat (x :: xs) = x ++ lazyConcat xs
lazyConcat : LazyList (LazyList a) -> LazyList a
lazyConcat [] = []
lazyConcat (x :: xs) = x ++ lazyConcat xs
### Group
@ -198,15 +251,30 @@ lazyConcat (x :: xs) = x ++ lazyConcat xs
Lazily group a LazyList
lazyGroup : Eq a => LazyList a -> LazyList (List1 a)
lazyGroup [] = []
lazyGroup (x :: xs) = lazyGroup' xs x (x ::: [])
lazyGroup' : LazyList a -> (current : a) -> (acc : List1 a) -> LazyList (List1 a)
lazyGroup' [] current acc = [acc]
lazyGroup' (y :: ys) current acc@(head ::: tail) =
if y == current
then lazyGroup' ys current (head ::: (y :: tail))
else acc :: lazyGroup (y :: ys)
lazyGroup : Eq a => LazyList a -> LazyList (List1 a)
lazyGroup [] = []
lazyGroup (x :: xs) = lazyGroup' xs x (x ::: [])
lazyGroup' : LazyList a -> (current : a) -> (acc : List1 a)
-> LazyList (List1 a)
lazyGroup' [] current acc = [acc]
lazyGroup' (y :: ys) current acc@(head ::: tail) =
if y == current
then lazyGroup' ys current (head ::: (y :: tail))
else acc :: lazyGroup (y :: ys)
### length
Calculate the length of a LazyList
length : LazyList a -> Nat
length = length' 0
length' : Nat -> LazyList a -> Nat
length' k [] = k
length' k (x :: xs) = length' (S k) xs
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