diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5e93985..6629953 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ solution.
     Parsers for numerical values in multiple bases
+  - [JSON](src/Parser/JSON.md)
+  JSON Parser
 ## Index of years and days
 - 2015
diff --git a/advent.ipkg b/advent.ipkg
index e8aff07..607e26e 100644
--- a/advent.ipkg
+++ b/advent.ipkg
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ depends = base
         , tailrec
         , eff
         , elab-util
+        , sop
         , ansi
         , if-unsolved-implicit
         , c-ffi
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ modules = Runner
         , Parser
         , Parser.Interface
         , Parser.Numbers
+        , Parser.JSON
 -- main file (i.e. file to load at REPL)
 main = Main
diff --git a/src/Parser/JSON.md b/src/Parser/JSON.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6602210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Parser/JSON.md
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# JSON Parser
+module Parser.JSON
+import public Parser
+import public Parser.Numbers
+import Structures.Dependent.DList
+```idris hide
+import System
+import Derive.Prelude
+import Generics.Derive
+%hide Generics.Derive.Eq
+%hide Generics.Derive.Ord
+%hide Generics.Derive.Show
+%language ElabReflection
+## JSON components
+Types a JSON value is allowed to have
+public export
+data JSONType : Type where
+  TObject : JSONType
+  TArray : JSONType
+  TString : JSONType
+  TNumber : JSONType
+  TBool : JSONType
+  TNull : JSONType
+%runElab derive "JSONType" [Generic, Meta, Eq, Ord, Show, DecEq]
+%name JSONType type, type2, type3
+A JSON value indexed by its type
+public export
+data JSONValue : JSONType -> Type where
+  VObject : {types : List JSONType} 
+    -> DList JSONType (\t => (String, JSONValue t)) types -> JSONValue TObject
+  VArray : {types : List JSONType}
+    -> DList JSONType JSONValue types -> JSONValue TArray
+  VString : (s : String) -> JSONValue TString
+  VNumber : (d : Double) -> JSONValue TNumber
+  VBool : (b : Bool) -> JSONValue TBool
+  VNull : JSONValue TNull
+%name JSONValue value, value2, value3
+```idris hide
+Show (JSONValue t) where
+  show (VObject xs) = 
+    let xs = dMap (\_,(key, value) => "\"\{key}\":\{show value}") xs
+    in assert_total $ "{\{joinBy "," xs}}"
+  show (VArray xs) = 
+    let xs = dMap (\_,e => show e) xs
+    in assert_total $ "[\{joinBy "," xs}]"
+  show (VString s) = "\"\{s}\""
+  show (VNumber d) = show d
+  show (VBool False) = "false"
+  show (VBool True) = "true"
+  show VNull = "null"
+-- TODO: Deal with keys potentially having different orders in different objects
+Eq (JSONValue t) where
+  (VObject xs) == (VObject ys) = 
+    assert_total $ xs $== ys
+  (VArray xs) == (VArray ys) = 
+    assert_total $ xs $== ys
+  (VString s) == (VString str) = s == str
+  (VNumber d) == (VNumber dbl) = d == dbl
+  (VBool b) == (VBool x) = b == x
+  VNull == VNull = True
+%hide Language.Reflection.TT.WithFC.value
+## Parsers
+We are going to get mutually recursive here. Instead of using a `mutual` block,
+we will use the more modern style of declaring all our types ahead of our
+object : Parser (JSONValue TObject)
+array : Parser (JSONValue TArray)
+string : Parser (JSONValue TString)
+number : Parser (JSONValue TNumber)
+bool : Parser (JSONValue TBool)
+null : Parser (JSONValue TNull)
+Define a `whitespace` character class based on the json specifications
+whitespace : Parser Char
+whitespace = do
+  pnote "Whitespace character"
+  theseChars [' ', '\n', '\r', '\t']
+Convenience function
+dpairize : {t : JSONType} -> 
+  Parser (JSONValue t) -> Parser (t' : JSONType ** JSONValue t')
+dpairize x = do
+  x <- x
+  pure (_ ** x)
+Top level json value parser
+value : Parser (t : JSONType ** JSONValue t)
+value = do 
+  pnote "JSON Value"
+  surround whitespace $ oneOfE 
+    "Expected JSON Value" 
+    [
+      dpairize object
+    , dpairize array
+    , dpairize string
+    , dpairize number
+    , dpairize bool
+    , dpairize null
+    ]
+Now go through our json value types
+object = do
+  pnote "JSON Object"
+  oneOfE 
+    "Expected Object" 
+    [emptyObject, occupiedObject]
+  where
+    emptyObject : Parser (JSONValue TObject)
+    emptyObject = do
+      delimited '{' '}' (nom whitespace)
+      pure $ VObject Nil
+    keyValue : Parser (t : JSONType ** (String, JSONValue t))
+    keyValue = do
+      VString key <- surround whitespace string
+      _ <- charExact ':'
+      (typ ** val) <- value
+      pure (typ ** (key, val))
+    restKeyValue : Parser (t : JSONType ** (String, JSONValue t))
+    restKeyValue = do
+      _ <- charExact ','
+      keyValue
+    pairs : Parser (List1 (t : JSONType ** (String, JSONValue t)))
+    pairs = do
+      first <- keyValue
+      rest <- many restKeyValue
+      pure $ first ::: rest
+    occupiedObject : Parser (JSONValue TObject)
+    occupiedObject = do
+      val <- delimited '{' '}' pairs
+      let (types ** xs) = DList.fromList (forget val)
+      pure $ VObject xs
+array = do
+  pnote "JSON Array"
+  oneOfE 
+    "Expected Array" 
+    [emptyArray, occupiedArray]
+  where
+    emptyArray : Parser (JSONValue TArray)
+    emptyArray = do
+      delimited '[' ']' (nom whitespace)
+      pure $ VArray Nil
+    restValue : Parser (t : JSONType ** JSONValue t)
+    restValue = do
+      _ <- charExact ','
+      value
+    values : Parser (List1 (t : JSONType ** JSONValue t))
+    values = do
+      first <- value
+      rest <- many restValue
+      pure $ first ::: rest 
+    occupiedArray : Parser (JSONValue TArray)
+    occupiedArray = do
+      xs <- delimited '[' ']' values
+      let (types ** xs) = DList.fromList (forget xs)
+      pure $ VArray xs
+string = do
+  pnote "JSON String"
+  str <- liftString $ delimited '"' '"' (many stringCharacter)
+  pure $ VString str
+  where
+    -- TODO: Handle control characters properly
+    stringCharacter : Parser Char
+    stringCharacter = do
+      result <- charPredicate (not . (== '"'))
+      case result of
+        GotChar char => pure char
+        GotError err =>
+          throwParseError "Expected string character, got \{show err}"
+        EndOfInput => throwParseError "Unexpected end of input"
+number = do
+  pnote "JSON Number"
+  d <- double
+  pure $ VNumber d
+bool = do
+  pnote "JSON Bool"
+  oneOfE
+    "Expected Bool"
+    [true, false]
+  where
+    true : Parser (JSONValue TBool)
+    true = do
+      _ <- exactString "true" 
+      pure $ VBool True
+    false : Parser (JSONValue TBool)
+    false = do
+      _ <- exactString "false" 
+      pure $ VBool False
+null = do
+  pnote "JSON null"
+  _ <- exactString "null"
+  pure VNull
+## Unit tests
+Quick smoke test
+-- @@test JSON Quick Smoke
+quickSmoke : IO Bool
+quickSmoke = do
+  let input = "{\"string\":\"string\",\"number\":5,\"true\":true,\"false\":false,\"null\":null,\"array\":[1,2,3]}"
+  putStrLn input
+  Right (type ** parsed) <- runFirstIODebug value input
+    | Left err => do
+      printLn err
+      pure False
+  putStrLn "Input: \{input}\nOutput: \{show type} -> \{show parsed}"
+  let reference_object = 
+    VObject [
+      ("string", VString "string")
+    , ("number", VNumber 5.0)
+    , ("true", VBool True)
+    , ("false", VBool False)
+    , ("null", VNull)
+    , ("array", VArray [
+        VNumber 1.0
+      , VNumber 2.0
+      , VNumber 3.0
+      ])
+    ]
+  case type of
+    TObject => pure $ parsed == reference_object
+    _ => pure False