diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6f18796..5e93985 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ solution.
     Internal state of a parser
+  - [Numbers](src/Parser/Numbers.md)
+    Parsers for numerical values in multiple bases
 ## Index of years and days
 - 2015
diff --git a/advent.ipkg b/advent.ipkg
index 56f6e75..e8aff07 100644
--- a/advent.ipkg
+++ b/advent.ipkg
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ modules = Runner
         , Array
         , Parser
         , Parser.Interface
+        , Parser.Numbers
 -- main file (i.e. file to load at REPL)
 main = Main
diff --git a/src/Parser/Numbers.md b/src/Parser/Numbers.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7adbf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Parser/Numbers.md
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Numerical Parsers
+module Parser.Numbers
+import public Parser
+import Data.Vect
+import Control.Eff
+```idris hide
+import System
+## Base Abstraction
+public export
+record Base where
+  constructor MkBase
+  base : Nat
+  digits : Vect base Char
+%name Base b
+hasDigit : Base -> Char -> Bool
+hasDigit (MkBase base digits) c = any (== c) digits
+digitValue : Base -> Char -> Maybe Nat
+digitValue (MkBase base digits) c = digitValue' digits 0
+  where
+  digitValue' : Vect n Char -> (idx : Nat) -> Maybe Nat
+  digitValue' [] idx = Nothing
+  digitValue' (x :: xs) idx = 
+    if x == c
+    then Just idx
+    else digitValue' xs (S idx)
+public export
+base10 : Base
+base10 = MkBase 10 
+  ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] 
+public export
+hex : Base
+hex = MkBase 16 
+  ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] 
+## Parsers
+### Nat
+nat : Base -> Parser Nat
+nat b = do
+  error <- replaceError "Expected digit"
+  (first ::: rest) <- atLeastOne error parseDigit
+  pure $ foldl (\acc, e => 10 * acc + e) first rest
+  where
+    parseDigit : Parser Nat
+    parseDigit = do
+      GotChar char <- charPredicate (hasDigit b)
+        | GotError e => throwParseError "\{show e} is not a digit"
+        | EndOfInput => throwParseError "End Of Input"
+      case digitValue b char of
+        Nothing =>
+          throwParseError "Failed to parse as base \{show b.base}: \{show char}"
+        Just x => pure x
+natBase10 : Parser Nat
+natBase10 = nat base10
+### Integer
+integer : Base -> Parser Integer
+integer b = do
+  negative <- map isJust . tryMaybe $ charExact '-'
+  value <- map natToInteger $ nat b
+  if negative
+    then pure $ negate value
+    else pure $ value
+integerBase10 : Parser Integer
+integerBase10 = integer base10
+### Double
+-- TODO: Replicate `parseDouble` logic and make this base-generic
+double : Parser Double
+double = do
+  starting_state <- save
+  integer <- integer
+  fraction <- tryMaybe fraction
+  exponent <- tryMaybe exponent
+  let str = case (fraction, exponent) of
+       (Nothing, Nothing) => 
+         integer
+       (Nothing, (Just exponent)) => 
+         "\{integer}e\{exponent}"
+       ((Just fraction), Nothing) => 
+         "\{integer}.\{fraction}"
+       ((Just fraction), (Just exponent)) => 
+         "\{integer}.\{fraction}e\{exponent}"
+  Just out <- pure $ parseDouble str
+    | _ => 
+      throw $ MkParseError starting_state "Std failed to parse as double: \{str}"
+  pure out
+  where
+    parseDigit : Parser Char
+    parseDigit = do
+      GotChar char <- charPredicate (hasDigit base10)
+        | GotError e => throwParseError "\{show e} is not a digit"
+        | EndOfInput => throwParseError "End Of Input"
+      pure char
+    integer : Parser String
+    integer = do
+      sign <- tryMaybe $ charExact '-'
+      error <- replaceError "Expected digit"
+      digits <- map forget $ atLeastOne error parseDigit
+      case sign of
+        Nothing => pure $ pack digits
+        Just x => pure $ pack (x :: digits)
+    fraction : Parser String
+    fraction = do
+      decimal <- charExact '.'
+      error <- replaceError "Expected digit"
+      digits <- map forget $ atLeastOne error parseDigit
+      pure $ pack digits
+    exponent : Parser String
+    exponent = do
+      e <- theseChars ['e', 'E']
+      sign <- theseChars ['+', '-']
+      error <- replaceError "Expected digit"
+      digits <- map forget $ atLeastOne error parseDigit
+      pure . pack $ sign :: digits
+## Unit tests
+Test roundtripping a value through the provided parser
+roundtrip : Eq a => Show a => a -> (p : Parser a) -> IO Bool
+roundtrip x p = do
+  let string = show x
+  putStrLn "Roundtripping \{string}"
+  Just state <- newInternalIO string
+    | _ => do
+      putStrLn "Failed to produce parser for \{string}"
+      pure False
+  Right result <- runEff (rundownFirst p) [handleParserStateIO state] {m = IO}
+    | Left err => do
+      printLn err
+      pure False
+  putStrLn "Input: \{string} Output: \{show result}"
+  pure $ x == result
+Do some roundtrip tests with the nat parser
+-- @@test Nat round trip
+natRoundTrip : IO Bool
+natRoundTrip = pure $ 
+  !(roundtrip 0 natBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 1 natBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 100 natBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 1234 natBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 1234567890 natBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 1234567890000 natBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 12345678901234567890 natBase10) 
+-- @@test Integer round trip
+integerRoundTrip : IO Bool
+integerRoundTrip = pure $ 
+  !(roundtrip 0 integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 1 integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 100 integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 1234 integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 1234567890 integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 1234567890000 integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip 12345678901234567890 integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip (-1) integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip (-100) integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip (-1234) integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip (-1234567890) integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip (-1234567890000) integerBase10) 
+  && !(roundtrip (-12345678901234567890) integerBase10) 
+Compare our parsing of a double to the standard library's
+compareDouble : String -> IO Bool
+compareDouble string = do
+  Just state <- newInternalIO string
+    | _ => do
+      putStrLn "Failed to produce parser for \{string}"
+      pure False
+  Right result <- 
+    runEff (rundownFirst double) [handleParserStateIO state] {m = IO}
+    | Left err => do
+      printLn err
+      pure False
+  putStrLn "Input: \{string} Output: \{show result}"
+  Just double' <- pure $ parseDouble string
+    | _ => do
+      printLn "Std failed to parse as double: \{string}"
+      pure False
+  pure $ result == double'
+-- @@test Double Std Comparison 
+doubleRoundTrip : IO Bool
+doubleRoundTrip = pure $ 
+  !(compareDouble "0") 
+  && !(compareDouble "1") 
+  && !(compareDouble "100") 
+  && !(compareDouble "1234") 
+  && !(compareDouble "1234567890") 
+  && !(compareDouble "1234567890000") 
+  && !(compareDouble "12345678901234567890") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-1") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-100") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-1234") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-1234567890") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-1234567890000") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-12345678901234567890") 
+  && !(compareDouble "0.0") 
+  && !(compareDouble "1.0") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-1.0") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-0.0") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-0.0") 
+  && !(compareDouble "0.1234") 
+  && !(compareDouble "0.01234") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-0.1234") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-0.01234") 
+  && !(compareDouble "1.234e+5") 
+  && !(compareDouble "1.234e-5") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-1.234e+5") 
+  && !(compareDouble "-1.234e-5") 