Add grid module
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 348 additions and 0 deletions
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ depends = base
modules = Runner
, Util
, Util.Eff
, Grid
-- main file (i.e. file to load at REPL)
main = Main
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
# 2D Grid utilities
Types and utilities for dealing with a 2D grid of things
We base our `Grid` type on `Data.Seq.Sized` from `contrib`, a finger tree based collection that tracks its size in its type, since it provides somewhat efficient random access and updates.
module Grid
import Data.Seq.Sized
import Data.Fin
import Data.Fin.Extra
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.Zippable
import Data.Vect
import Data.String
import Decidable.Equality
%default total
## Coordinates
A coordinate is a pair of numbers both less than their respective bounds.
Since `Grid`s will always be non-empty in the contexts we will be using them in, this type alias adds one to each of the bounds to ensure non-emptyness
public export
Coord : (rows, cols : Nat) -> Type
Coord rows cols = (Fin (S rows), Fin (S cols))
### Coordinate utility functions
Lazily generate all the coordinates for a given pair of bounds
Uses an internal helper function to generate a lazy list of all the fins of a given bound in ascending order (`all`), and another to convert a lazy list of `Fin` into a lazy list of pairs of `Fin`s.
The totality checker likes to go in the descending direction, since then it can reason about values getting structurally "smaller", so it has issues with `all'` moving in the ascending direction. We know this function is total because the `acc < last` check will always eventually be triggered, since `Fin`s only have a finite number of values.
We pull out an `assert_smaller` to tell Idris that the argument to the recursive call is getting structurally smaller, which while not strictly correct, does convey to the compiler that we are getting closer to our recursive base case and that the function is thus total.
allCords : {rows, cols : Nat} -> LazyList (Coord rows cols)
allCords = concat . map row $ all
all : {n : Nat} -> LazyList (Fin (S n))
all = FZ :: all' FZ
all' : {n : Nat} -> (acc : Fin (S n)) -> LazyList (Fin (S n))
all' acc =
if acc < last
then finS acc :: all' (assert_smaller acc (finS acc))
else []
row : Fin (S rows) -> LazyList (Coord rows cols)
row r = map (\c => (r, c)) all
Add a given vector to a coordinate, returning `Nothing` if we go off the ends of the bounds in the process.
To keep this function simple and reasonably efficient, we perform the arithmetic in integer space, using `integerToFin` to fallably convert back to `Fin` space, making use of the `Maybe` monad to keep the code clean.
step : {rows, cols : Nat} -> (input : Coord rows cols) -> (direction : (Integer, Integer))
-> Maybe (Coord rows cols)
step (row, col) (d_row, d_col) = do
let (row, col) = (finToInteger row, finToInteger col)
row <- integerToFin (row + d_row) (S rows)
col <- integerToFin (col + d_col) (S cols)
pure (row, col)
## Grid
A grid is a `Seq` of `Seq`s with the given size bounds.
The inner `Seq`s are kept opaque to maintain flexability in the implementation
record Grid (rows, cols : Nat) (e : Type) where
constructor MkGrid
grid : Seq (S rows) (Seq (S cols) e)
%name Grid grid, grid2, grid3
### Constructors
Construct a `Grid` by filling every slot with identical copies of the provided element
replicate : {rows, cols : Nat} -> (seed : e) -> Grid rows cols e
replicate seed =
let row = replicate (S cols) seed
grid = replicate (S rows) row
in MkGrid grid
Attempt to construct a `Grid` from a Foldable of Foldables. Will return `Nothing` if either the rows are of heterogeneous size, or if either the rows or columns are empty. Requires that the outer Foldable also be Traversable.
We make heavy use of the `Maybe` monad to keep the code clean here.
fromFoldable : Traversable a => Foldable a => Foldable b => a (b e) ->
Maybe (rows : Nat ** cols : Nat ** Grid rows cols e)
fromFoldable xs = do
-- First collect the number of rows from the outer foldable
let (S rows) = foldl (\acc, e => acc + 1) 0 xs
| _ => Nothing -- Return Nothing if there are no rows
-- Get the number of columns in the largest row in the inner foldable
let (S cols) = foldl (\acco, eo => max acco (foldl (\acci, ei => acci +1) 0 eo)) 0 xs
| _ => Nothing -- Return Nothing if all the rows are empty
-- Convert the rows by traversing our foldToSeq function over the outer foldable
xs <- traverse (foldToSeq (S cols)) xs
-- Reuse our foldToSeq helper function to convert the outer foldable
xs <- foldToSeq (S rows) xs
-- wrap it up and return
pure (rows ** cols ** MkGrid xs)
-- Convert each row to a seq using an intermediate list
foldToSeq : Foldable c => (n : Nat) -> c f -> Maybe (Seq n f)
foldToSeq n x =
let list = toList x
-- Check to see if the list is of the correct length, then rewrite the
-- output type to match if that's the case, otherwise return Nothing
in case decEq (length list) n of
Yes Refl => Just $ fromList list
No _ => Nothing
Construct a `Grid` from a non-empty `Vect` of non-empty `Vect`s. To keep the function simple, we require that both the row and column dimension are known to be non-zero before calling this constructor.
fromVect : Vect (S rows) (Vect (S cols) e) -> Grid rows cols e
fromVect xs = MkGrid . fromVect . map fromVect $ xs
Construct `Grid` containing the coordinate of the location in each location
coordinateGrid : {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (Coord rows cols)
coordinateGrid =
let row = fromVect $ allFins (S cols)
grid = zip (fromVect $ allFins (S rows)) (replicate _ row)
grid = map (\(x, xs) => map (x,) xs) grid
in MkGrid grid
### Accessors and Mutators
Get the value at a specific index in the grid
index : Coord rows cols -> Grid rows cols e -> e
index (row, col) grid =
index' (index' grid.grid row) col
Replace the value at a specific index in the grid
replaceAt : Coord rows cols -> e -> Grid rows cols e -> Grid rows cols e
replaceAt (row, col) x (MkGrid grid) =
let r = index' grid row
r = update (finToNat col) x r @{elemSmallerThanBound col}
grid = update (finToNat row) r grid @{elemSmallerThanBound row}
in MkGrid grid
Update the value at a specific index in the grid
updateAt : Coord rows cols -> (e -> e) -> Grid rows cols e -> Grid rows cols e
updateAt (row, col) f (MkGrid grid) =
let r = index' grid row
r = adjust f (finToNat col) r @{elemSmallerThanBound col}
grid = update (finToNat row) r grid @{elemSmallerThanBound row}
in MkGrid grid
Lazily provide all the values in the grid as a flat collection
flat : {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols e -> LazyList e
flat (MkGrid grid) =
let grid = seqToLazy . map (seqToLazy {n = S cols}) $ grid
grid = grid []
in foldrLazy (\a, acc => a acc) [] grid
seqToLazy : {n : Nat} -> (seq : Seq n a) -> (rest : LazyList a) -> LazyList a
seqToLazy {n = 0} seq rest = rest
seqToLazy {n = (S k)} seq rest =
let (head, tail) = viewl seq
in head :: seqToLazy tail rest
### Interface Implementations
#### Show
{rows, cols : Nat} -> Show e => Show (Grid rows cols e) where
show (MkGrid grid) =
show . toVect . map toVect $ grid
#### Eq/Ord
Eq e => Eq (Grid rows cols e) where
(MkGrid grid_x) == (MkGrid grid_y) = grid_x == grid_y
Ord e => Ord (Grid rows cols e) where
compare (MkGrid grid_x) (MkGrid grid_y) = compare grid_x grid_y
#### Functor
Functor (Grid rows cols) where
map f (MkGrid grid) =
MkGrid . map (map f) $ grid
#### Foldable
Cheeze it a little and use our `flat` function internally here.
Also, `null` can statically return false, as `Grid` is structurally non-empty
{rows, cols : Nat} -> Foldable (Grid rows cols) where
foldr f acc grid = foldr f acc (flat grid)
foldl f acc grid = foldl f acc (flat grid)
null _ = False
toList grid = toList (flat grid)
#### Applicative
{rows, cols : Nat} -> Applicative (Grid rows cols) where
pure a = replicate a
(MkGrid f) <*> (MkGrid grid) =
MkGrid . map (\(a,b) => a <*> b) . zip f $ grid
#### Traversable
{rows, cols : Nat} -> Traversable (Grid rows cols) where
traverse f (MkGrid grid) =
map MkGrid . traverse (traverse f) $ grid
#### Zippable
Zippable (Grid rows cols) where
zipWith f (MkGrid grid_x) (MkGrid grid_y) =
let xs = zip grid_x grid_y
in MkGrid . map (\(a,b) => zipWith f a b) $ xs
unzipWith f (MkGrid grid) =
let (xs, ys) = unzip . map (unzipWith f) $ grid
in (MkGrid xs, MkGrid ys)
zipWith3 f (MkGrid as) (MkGrid bs) (MkGrid cs) =
let xs = zip3 as bs cs
in MkGrid . map (\(a, b, c) => zipWith3 f a b c) $ xs
unzipWith3 f (MkGrid grid) =
let (a, b, c) = unzip3 . map (unzipWith3 f) $ grid
in (MkGrid a, MkGrid b, MkGrid c)
### Extra
Extensions of the above functionality
#### Indexing
Convert this grid to one with both the index of the location and the element in each location
indexed : {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols e -> Grid rows cols (Coord rows cols, e)
indexed grid = zip coordinateGrid grid
Same as `flat` above, but indexed
flatIndexed : {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols e -> LazyList (Coord rows cols, e)
flatIndexed = flat . indexed
#### String functionality
Attempts to convert a string, with newline delimited rows, to a grid of characters
stringToGrid : String -> Maybe (rows : Nat ** cols : Nat ** Grid rows cols Char)
stringToGrid = fromFoldable . map (unpack . trim) . lines . trim
Converts a grid of chars to a string, delimiting the rows with newlines
gridToString : Grid rows cols Char -> String
gridToString (MkGrid grid) = unlines . toList . map (pack . toList) $ grid
#### Conversion
Convert a grid to a vect of vects
toVects : {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols e -> Vect (S rows) (Vect (S cols) e)
toVects (MkGrid grid) = toVect . map toVect $ grid
Convert a grid to a list of lists
toLists : Grid rows cols e -> List (List e)
toLists (MkGrid grid) = toList . map toList $ grid
Add table
Reference in a new issue