2024-12-30 14:10:05 +00:00
#| Utilities for interacting with idris and associated tooling
2024-12-30 13:43:26 +00:00
unit module IUtils;
need IUtils::IDEMode;
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# Utility functions for pack
#| Invoke a pack command
sub pack-run(*@cmd) is export {
my $proc = run "pack", @cmd, :out, :err;
my $out = $proc.out.slurp(:close);
my $err = $proc.err.slurp(:close);
unless $proc {
die qq:to/END/;
Pack Failure!
Captured Output:
Captured StdErr:
#| Build a package with pack
sub pack-build($pkg) is export {
pack-run 'build', $pkg;
#| Test a package with pack
sub pack-test($pkg) is export {
pack-run 'build', $pkg;
#| Clean a package with pack
sub pack-clean($pkg) is export {
pack-run 'clean', $pkg;
#| Invoke an idris command
sub idris-run(*@cmd) is export {
my $proc = run "idris2", @cmd, :out, :err;
my $out = $proc.out.slurp(:close);
my $err = $proc.err.slurp(:close);
unless $proc {
($out, $err)
return $out;
#| Exec the expression with the given name in the given file
sub idris-exec($expr, $file) is export {
idris-run '--find-ipkg', '--exec', $expr, $file