#| Utilities for interacting with idris and associated tooling unit module IUtils; need IUtils::IDEMode; use paths; #| Structure representing the root of what idris considers a package directory, #| with the associated ipkg and source files. These can and will overlap within #| the same directory. class PackageInfo { has IO::Path:D $.ipkg is required; has IO::Path:D $.root is required; has IO::Path:D @.sources is required; } #| Scan a particular ipkg for its associated sources sub scan-ipkg(IO::Path:D $ipkg --> PackageInfo:D) { my $contents = $ipkg.slurp; my $src-dir = ($contents ~~ / 'sourcedir' \h* '=' \h* '"' $=[<-["]>*] '"' /) // "src"; my IO::Path:D @sources = paths($ipkg.parent.add($src-dir), :file(*.ends-with(".idr"))).map(*.IO); PackageInfo.new(ipkg => $ipkg, root => $ipkg.parent, sources => @sources) } # TODO: Add some parsing of pack.toml to locate test packages and associate them # with their source ipkg #| Scan $*CWD to locate ipkgs and their associated sources sub scan-packages(--> Array[PackageInfo:D]) is export { my PackageInfo:D @ipkgs = paths(:file(*.ends-with(".ipkg"))).map(*.IO.&scan-ipkg); return @ipkgs; } # Utility functions for pack #| Invoke a pack command sub pack-run(*@cmd) is export { my $proc = run "pack", @cmd, :out, :err; my $out = $proc.out.slurp(:close); my $err = $proc.err.slurp(:close); unless $proc { die qq:to/END/; Pack Failure! Captured Output: $out Captured StdErr: $err END } } #| Build a package with pack sub pack-build($pkg) is export { pack-run 'build', $pkg } #| Test a package with pack sub pack-test($pkg) is export { pack-run 'build', $pkg } #| Clean a package with pack sub pack-clean($pkg) is export { pack-run 'clean', $pkg } # Utility functions for idris #| An error coming from the idris compiler class IdrisError is Exception { has Str $.out; has Str $.err; has Int $.exit-code; has Str $.command; method message { qq:to/END/; Error running idris command: $.command Command exited with $.exit-code END } } #| Invoke an idris command sub idris-run(*@cmd) is export { my $proc = run "idris2", @cmd, :out, :err; my $out = $proc.out.slurp(:close); my $err = $proc.err.slurp(:close); unless $proc { IdrisError.new( out => $out, err => $err, exit-code => $proc.exitcode, command => @cmd.Str) .throw; } return $out; } #| Exec the expression with the given name in the given file sub idris-exec($expr, $file) is export { idris-run '--find-ipkg', '--exec', $expr, $file }