Nathan McCarty 4b2c2eb4dd Improve test running
Move test running to a method on the Test class and improve output
printing logic.
2024-12-31 19:08:42 -05:00

138 lines
4.8 KiB

#| Utilities for interacting with idris and associated tooling
unit module IUtils;
need IUtils::IDEMode;
use Terminal::ANSIColor;
use IUtils::Regexes;
use IUtils::Compiler;
use paths;
#| Structure representing a test
class Test {
#| The name of the test
has Str:D $.name is required;
#| The expression name of the test
has Str:D $.expr is required;
#| The output type of the test
has ExprOutput:D $.output-type is required;
#| Run this test, and return true if it failed, false if it passed
method run(IO::Path:D $source, Int:D $indent-level? = 4 --> Bool) {
when ExpressionError {
say "{colored '+', 'red'} $.name: {colored 'FAIL', 'red bold'}"
say "{colored('exit code', 'red')}: {$_.exit-code}"
.indent($indent-level + 2);
if $_.out.trim {
say colored('stdout:', 'underline')
.indent($indent-level + 2);
say $_.out.trim.lines.map(*.indent($indent-level + 2))
if $_.err.trim {
say colored('stderr:', 'underline')
.indent($indent-level + 2);
say $_.err.trim.lines.map(*.indent($indent-level + 2))
return True;
idris-exec $.expr, $source.relative, $.output-type;
# The exception handler graps flow if the test failed, here the test passed
my $output =
"{colored '+', 'green'} $.name: {colored 'pass', 'green'}";
say $output.indent($indent-level);
return False;
#| Structure representing the tests in a module
class ModuleTests {
#| The name of this module
has Str:D $.name is required;
#| The source file of this module
has IO::Path:D $.source is required;
#| A list of the associated tests this module has
has Test:D @.tests is required;
#| Structure representing all of the runables assocated with a project
class PackageRunables {
#| The ipkg for this project
has IO::Path:D $.ipkg is required;
# TODO: Add benchmarks
#| A map from the name of the module to a list of tests
has ModuleTests:D %.tests is required;
#| Structure representing the root of what idris considers a package directory,
#| with the associated ipkg and source files. These can and will overlap within
#| the same directory.
class PackageInfo {
has IO::Path:D $.ipkg is required;
has IO::Path:D $.root is required;
has IO::Path:D @.sources is required;
method runnables {
# Locate the tests
my %tests = Hash.new;
for @.sources -> $source {
my $contents = $source.slurp;
if $contents ~~ &module-name {
my $module-name = $<name>.Str;
my @tests;
for $contents.match(&flagged-expression, :g) -> $match {
my $output-type = do
given $match<output-type> {
when * eq '()' {succeed Unit};
when * eq 'Bool' {succeed Boolean};
when * eq 'Either' {succeed Either};
my $test =
Test.new(name => $match<test-name>.Str,
expr => $match<expression-name>.Str,
output-type => $output-type);
if @tests.elems > 0 {
%tests{$module-name} =
ModuleTests.new(name => $module-name,
source => $source,
tests => @tests);
# Build and return the runnables
PackageRunables.new(ipkg => self.ipkg, tests => %tests)
#| Scan a particular ipkg for its associated sources
sub scan-ipkg(IO::Path:D $ipkg --> PackageInfo:D) {
my $contents = $ipkg.slurp;
my $src-dir =
($contents ~~
/ 'sourcedir' \h* '=' \h*
'"' $<value>=[<-["]>*] '"' /)<value>
// "src";
my IO::Path:D @sources =
paths($ipkg.parent.add($src-dir), :file(*.ends-with(".idr"))).map(*.IO);
PackageInfo.new(ipkg => $ipkg, root => $ipkg.parent, sources => @sources)
# TODO: Add some parsing of pack.toml to locate test packages and associate them
# with their source ipkg
#| Scan $*CWD to locate ipkgs and their associated sources
sub scan-packages(--> Array[PackageInfo:D]) is export {
my PackageInfo:D @ipkgs =
return @ipkgs;