143 lines
3.7 KiB
143 lines
3.7 KiB
unit class IUtils::IDEMode;
has $!process;
has $!port;
has $!socket;
has $!request-id = 0;
grammar SExp {
rule TOP { <sexp> }
proto rule sexp {*}
rule sexp:sym<list> { '(' <sexp>* ')' }
rule sexp:sym<nil> { 'nil' }
rule sexp:sym<num> { \d+ }
rule sexp:sym<symbol> { ':' <[\w\-]>+ }
rule sexp:sym<string> { '"' <str-content>* '"' }
token str-content {
| <-[\"\\]>+ # Any char except " or \
| '\\"' # Escaped quote
| '\\' # Escaped backslash
class SExp::Actions {
method TOP($/) { make $<sexp>.made }
method sexp:sym<list>($/) {
make $<sexp>».made.List
method sexp:sym<nil>($/) { make List }
method sexp:sym<num>($/) { make $/.Int }
method sexp:sym<symbol>($/) { make $/.Str.trim }
method sexp:sym<string>($/) {
make $<str-content>».made.join
method str-content($/) {
make $/.Str.subst(/\\(.)/, {$0}, :g)
submethod TWEAK {
# Start idris2 in IDE mode
my $ret = Promise.new;
$!process = Proc::Async.new('idris2', '--ide-mode-socket');
start {
react {
whenever $!process.stdout.lines {
$!port = $_.Int;
$!socket = IO::Socket::INET.new(:host<localhost>, :port($!port));
whenever $!process.start {
say 'Idris 2 exited, exitcode=', .exitcode, ' signal=', .signal;
whenever $!process.ready {
say 'Idris 2 online, PID=', $_;
await $ret;
my ($major, $minor) = self.process-protocol-version;
my @ret = self.version;
my @version = @ret[0][1][1][0];
my $commit = @ret[0][1][1][1][0];
say "Idris 2 Version: ", @version[0], ".", @version[1], ".", @version[2],
" (", $commit, ")";
say "IDE Protocol Version: $major.$minor";
method process-protocol-version() {
my @resp = self.read-sexp();
if @resp[0] eq ':protocol-version' {
return (@resp[1], @resp[2]);
die "Expected protocol version, got: ", @resp;
method read-sexp() {
my $len = $!socket.read(6).decode('utf8');
my $msg = $!socket.read(:bin, $len.parse-base(16)).decode('utf8');
# say "Got: ", $len, $msg;
SExp.parse($msg, actions => SExp::Actions).made
method send-command(*@cmd) {
my $id = ++$!request-id;
my $cmd-str;
if @cmd.elems > 1 {
$cmd-str = "((" ~ (":" ~ @cmd[0]) ~ " " ~ @cmd[1..*].join(" ") ~ ") $id)";
} else {
$cmd-str = "(" ~ (":" ~ @cmd[0]) ~ " $id)";
my $len = sprintf("%06x", $cmd-str.chars);
# say "Sending: ", $len, $cmd-str;
$!socket.print($len ~ $cmd-str);
my @responses;
loop {
my $resp = self.read-sexp();
if $resp[0] eq ':return' && $resp[2] == $id {
return @responses;
method load-file($filename, $line-number?){
if $line-number {
self.send-command('load-file', "\"$filename\"", $line-number.Str)
} else {
self.send-command('load-file', "\"$filename\"")
method cd($filepath) {
self.send-command('cd', "\"$filepath\"")
method interpret($cmd) {
self.send-command('interpret', "\"$cmd\"")
method type-of($item) {
self.send-command('type-of', "\"$item\"")
method docs-for($item) {
self.send-command('docs-for', "\"$item\"")
method browse-namespace($namespace) {
# Import the namespace first to make sure this works properly
self.interpret: ":import $namespace";
self.send-command('browse-namespace', "\"$namespace\"")
method version() {