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2022-12-08 15:26:44 -05:00
import Data.Fin
import Data.String
import Data.Vect
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import System.File.ReadWrite
import Debug.Trace
%default total
-- Parse a grid of numbers from a string
parseGrid : String -> Maybe (n ** m ** Vect n (Vect m Nat))
parseGrid input =
let inputLines = map unpack . filter ((> 0) . strLength) . map trim . lines $ input
in do digits <- traverse (traverse parsePositive) . map (map Data.String.singleton) $ inputLines
let height = length digits
width <- map length . head' $ digits
inner <- traverse (toVect width) digits
outer <- toVect height inner
Just (height ** width ** outer)
-- Variant of `take` and `drop` that works with fin
takeFin : {n: Nat} -> (m: Fin n) -> Vect n a -> Vect (finToNat m) a
takeFin FZ xs = []
takeFin (FS x) (y :: xs) = y :: takeFin x xs
dropFin : {n: Nat} -> (m: Fin n) -> Vect n a -> Vect (minus n (finToNat m)) a
dropFin FZ xs = xs
dropFin (FS x) (y :: xs) = dropFin x xs
-- Drop the last element of a Vect
dropLast : {n : Nat} -> Vect (S n) a -> Vect n a
dropLast {n = 0} (x :: xs) = xs
dropLast {n = (S k)} (x :: xs) = x :: dropLast xs
-- Check if a tree is visible from the edge of the grid
checkVisible : {n: Nat} -> {m: Nat} -> (x: Fin n) -> (y: Fin m) -> Vect n (Vect m Nat) -> Bool
-- If either of the coordinates are zero or the maximum then the tree is on an edge and thus visible
checkVisible FZ y xs = True
checkVisible x FZ xs = True
checkVisible x@(FS _) y@(FS _) xs =
if x == last || y == last
then True
else let horizontal = index x xs
vertical = index y (transpose xs)
in checkSingle y horizontal || checkSingle x vertical
where checkSingle : {o: Nat} -> (z: Fin o) -> Vect o Nat -> Bool
checkSingle FZ xs = True
checkSingle z@(FS _) xs =
let before = takeFin z xs
after = drop 1 (toList (dropFin z xs))
compValue = index z xs
in all (< compValue) before || all (< compValue) after
2022-12-08 16:32:35 -05:00
takeWhilePlus: Ord a => (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
takeWhilePlus f [] = []
takeWhilePlus f (x :: []) = [x]
takeWhilePlus f (x :: rest) =
if f x
then x :: takeWhilePlus f rest
else [x]
senicScore : {m : Nat} -> {n : Nat} -> (x: Fin m) -> (y: Fin n) -> Vect m (Vect n Nat) -> Nat
senicScore FZ y xs = 0
senicScore x FZ xs = 0
senicScore x@(FS _) y@(FS _) xs =
if x == last || y == last
then 0
else let horizontal = index x xs
vertical = index y (transpose xs)
in scoreLinear y horizontal * scoreLinear x vertical
where scoreLinear : {o : Nat} -> (z: Fin o) -> Vect o Nat -> Nat
scoreLinear FZ xs = 0
scoreLinear z@(FS _) xs =
let before = reverse . toList . takeFin z $ xs
after = drop 1 (toList (dropFin z xs))
compValue = index z xs
beforeVisible = length (takeWhilePlus (< compValue) before)
afterVisible = length (takeWhilePlus (< compValue) after)
in beforeVisible * afterVisible
2022-12-08 15:26:44 -05:00
finRange : {n : Nat} -> List (Fin n)
finRange {n = 0} = []
finRange {n = (S k)} = forget (allFins k)
part1 : {m : Nat} -> {n : Nat} -> Vect m (Vect n Nat) -> Nat
part1 {m} {n} grid =
let rows = finRange {n=m}
cols = finRange {n=n}
pairs = concatMap (\x => map (\y => (x, y)) cols) rows
in length . Prelude.List.filter (\(x,y) => checkVisible x y grid) $ pairs
2022-12-08 16:32:35 -05:00
part2 : {m : Nat} -> {n: Nat} -> Vect m (Vect n Nat) -> Nat
part2 {m} {n} grid =
let rows = finRange {n=m}
cols = finRange {n=n}
pairs = concatMap (\x => map (\y => (x, y)) cols) rows
in foldl max 0 . map (\(x, y) => senicScore x y grid) $ pairs
2022-12-08 15:26:44 -05:00
partial main : IO ()
main =
do file <- readFile "input"
case file of
Left err => printLn err
Right fileContents =>
case parseGrid fileContents of
Nothing => putStrLn "Failed to parse grid"
Just (m ** n ** grid) =>
do putStrLn $ "Part 1: " ++ show (part1 grid)
2022-12-08 16:32:35 -05:00
putStrLn $ "Part 2: " ++ show (part2 grid)