{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, ... }: { # Sops setup for this machine sops.secrets = { "borg-ssh-key" = { sopsFile = ../../secrets/oracles/borg.yaml; format = "yaml"; }; "borg-password" = { sopsFile = ../../secrets/oracles/borg.yaml; format = "yaml"; }; "friendpack-backblaze" = { format = "yaml"; sopsFile = ../../secrets/oracles/backblaze.yaml; owner = config.users.users.nathan.name; group = config.users.users.nathan.group; }; "nix-asuran" = { format = "yaml"; sopsFile = ../../secrets/oracles/gitlab.yaml; }; }; # Setup system configuration nathan = { programs = { utils = { devel = true; binfmt = true; }; }; services = { nginx = { enable = true; acme = true; }; matrix = { enable = true; baseDomain = "mccarty.io"; }; borg = { enable = true; extraExcludes = [ "*/.cache" "*/.tmp" "/home/nathan/minecraft/server/backup" "/var/lib/postgresql" "/var/lib/redis" "/var/lib/docker" "/var/log" "/var/minecraft" "/var/sharedstore" ]; passwordFile = config.sops.secrets."borg-password".path; sshKey = config.sops.secrets."borg-ssh-key".path; }; }; config = { setupGrub = true; nix = { autoUpdate = true; autoGC = true; }; harden = false; virtualization = { docker = true; }; }; }; # Configure networking networking = { domain = "mccarty.io"; useDHCP = false; interfaces.enp1s0f1.ipv4.addresses = [{ address = ""; prefixLength = 24; }]; defaultGateway = ""; nameservers = [ "" ]; # Open ports in firewall firewall = { allowedTCPPorts = [ 25565 ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ 25565 ]; trustedInterfaces = [ "zt5u4uutwm" ]; }; }; # Setup home manager home-manager.users.nathan = import ./home.nix; # Setup minecraft container containers.minecraft = let b2AccountID = "00284106ead1ac40000000002"; b2KeyFile = "${config.sops.secrets."friendpack-backblaze".path}"; b2Bucket = "ForwardProgressServerBackup"; in { config = { pkgs, lib, ... }@attrs: let # OpenJDK 17 javaPackage = pkgs.jdk; in { imports = [ inputs.quilt-server.nixosModules.default ]; ### ## Container stuff ### # Let nix know this is a container boot.isContainer = true; # Set system state version system.stateVersion = "22.05"; # Setup networking networking.useDHCP = false; # Allow minecraft out networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 25565 ]; ### ## User ### users = { mutableUsers = false; # Enable us to not use a password, this is a container allowNoPasswordLogin = true; }; ### ## Configure module ### forward-progress = { services = { minecraft = { enable = true; minecraft-version = "1.18.2"; quilt-version = "0.17.1-beta.6"; ram = 6144; properties = { motd = "Nathan's Private Modded Minecraft"; white-list = true; enforce-whitelist = true; }; packwiz-url = "https://pack.forward-progress.net/0.3/pack.toml"; acceptEula = true; }; backup = { enable = true; backblaze = { enable = true; accountId = b2AccountID; keyFile = b2KeyFile; bucket = b2Bucket; }; }; }; }; }; autoStart = true; bindMounts = { "/var/minecraft" = { hostPath = "/var/minecraft"; isReadOnly = false; }; "/run/secrets/friendpack-backblaze" = { hostPath = "/run/secrets/friendpack-backblaze"; }; }; forwardPorts = [ { containerPort = 25565; hostPort = 25565; protocol = "tcp"; } { containerPort = 25565; hostPort = 25565; protocol = "udp"; } ]; }; # Setup vhost for pack website services.nginx.virtualHosts."pack.forward-progress.net" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; locations."/".root = "/var/www/pack.forward-progress.net"; root = "/var/www/pack.forward-progress.net"; }; # Backup postgres, as used by matrix services.postgresqlBackup = { #enable = true; compression = "none"; backupAll = true; startAt = "OnCalendar=00/2:00"; }; # Setup the gitlab runners services.gitlab-runner = let nix-shared = with lib; { dockerImage = "nixpkgs/nix-flakes"; dockerVolumes = [ "/var/sharedstore:/sharedstore" ]; dockerDisableCache = true; dockerPrivileged = true; }; in { enable = true; concurrent = 4; checkInterval = 1; services = { # default-asuran = { # registrationConfigFile = "/var/lib/secret/gitlab-runner/asuran-default"; # dockerImage = "debian:stable"; # dockerVolumes = [ # "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" # ]; # dockerPrivileged = true; # tagList = [ "linux-own" ]; # }; nix-asuran = nix-shared // { registrationConfigFile = config.sops.secrets.nix-asuran.path; tagList = [ "nix" ]; requestConcurrency = 8; limit = 4; runUntagged = true; }; }; }; # Setup searx-ng docker virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."searx-ng" = { image = "searxng/searxng"; autoStart = true; ports = [ "8091:8080" ]; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."searx-ng.mccarty.io" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "http://localhost:8091"; }; }; }