{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, ... }: let devel = config.nathan.programs.devel; unstable = inputs.nixpkgs-unstable.legacyPackages."${pkgs.system}"; inherit (import ../../modules/lib.nix { inherit lib; inherit pkgs; }) nLib; in with lib; with nLib; { config = # Core development utilites (mkIf devel.core { home.packages = with pkgs; appendIf pkgs.stdenv.isLinux # General packages [ # Git addons git-secret delta # General development requirements cmake libtool gnumake nixpkgs-fmt # sops for secrets management sops ] # Linux specific packages [ gcc binutils unstable.mold ]; programs = { direnv = { enable = true; }; # Neovim # (I'm not abonding emacs I just want the tutor) neovim = { enable = true; }; }; }) # Rust development // (mkIf devel.rust { home.packages = with pkgs; [ # Rustup for having the compiler around rustup # Install the latest rust analyzer inputs.fenix.packages."${pkgs.system}".rust-analyzer # Misc cargo utilites cargo-binutils # Allow invoking the llvm tools included with the toolchain cargo-edit # Command line Cargo.toml manipulation cargo-asm # Dump the generated assembly cargo-fuzz # front end for fuzz testing rust cargo-license # Audit the licenses of dependencies cargo-criterion # Benchmarking front end cargo-audit # Check dependencies for known CVEs cargo-bloat # Find out what's taking up space in the executable cargo-udeps # Find unused dependencies cargo-expand # Dump expanded macros unstable.cargo-tarpaulin # Code coverage cargo-play # Quickly execute code outside of a crate # For building stuff that uses protocol buffers protobuf ]; }) # JVM Development // (mkIf devel.jvm { home.packages = with unstable; [ inputs.java.packages."${pkgs.system}".semeru-stable gradle kotlin kotlin-native kotlin-language-server ktlint ]; }) # Python Development // (mkIf devel.python { home.packages = with pkgs; [ python3Full nodePackages.pyright ]; }) # JavaScript/TypeScript Development // (mkIf devel.js { home.packages = with unstable; [ nodejs yarn nodePackages.typescript deno ]; }) # Raku Development // (mkIf devel.raku { home.packages = with pkgs; [ rakudo zef ]; }); } # TODO: Add pyright and python3Full under python module