## Enable and setup SwayWM { config, pkgs, unstable, ... }: { # Turn on GDM for login services.xserver = { enable = true; autorun = true; displayManager.gdm = { enable = true; wayland = true; }; # Set swaywm as default displayManager.defaultSession = "sway"; # Enable plasma for the applications desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true; }; # Setup drivers hardware.opengl = { # Enable vulkan driSupport = true; # Force vulkan drivers extraPackages = [ pkgs.amdvlk ]; # Same as above, but enable 32 bit legacy support (for games) driSupport32Bit = true; extraPackages32 = [ pkgs.driversi686Linux.amdvlk ]; }; # Basic packages that are effectively required for a graphical system environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # GTK Theming gtk-engine-murrine gtk_engines gsettings-desktop-schemas lxappearance kde-gtk-config ]; # Enable QT themeing programs.qt5ct.enable = true; # Enable and configure sway itself programs.sway = { enable = true; # Enable the wrapper for gtk applications wrapperFeatures.gtk = true; # Install some applications required for sway to work how I want extraPackages = with pkgs; [ # Unstable waybar, its a fast moving target unstable.waybar # Locking and display management wdisplays swaylock-effects swayidle # Clipboard wl-clipboard # Notifications mako # Terminal alacritty # glib for sound stuff glib # Glpaper for the background glpaper # Screenshots sway-contrib.grimshot # Albert for launcher albert ]; extraSessionCommands = '' # Make qt theming work export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" # Make pipewire present a pulse audio tcp port pactl load-module module-native-protocol-tcp # Make firefox use wayland export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="sway" ''; }; environment.sessionVariables = { MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND = "1"; }; # Enable the xdg-portal xdg = { portal = { enable = true; extraPortals = with pkgs; [ xdg-desktop-portal-wlr xdg-desktop-portal-gtk ]; gtkUsePortal = true; }; }; ## Home manager stuff for sway home-manager.users.nathan = { # Configure sway itself wayland.windowManager.sway = { enable = true; systemdIntegration = true; wrapperFeatures = { base = true; gtk = true; }; config = { # Setup gaps gaps = { smartGaps = true; inner = 9; }; # disable borders window = { border = 0; }; # Use windows key as modifier modifier = "Mod4"; # Alacritty as default terminal terminal = "alacritty"; # Use krunner (from kde) as our launcher menu = "albert show"; # Use waybar bars = [{ command = "${unstable.waybar}/bin/waybar"; }]; # Use fira code fonts = { names = [ "Fira Code Nerd Font" ]; size = 10.0; }; }; extraConfig = '' exec albert exec mako ''; }; # Mako for notifications programs.mako = { enable = true; # Selenized color scheme borderColor = "#f275be"; backgroundColor = "#184956"; textColor = "#adbcbc"; # Border configuration borderSize = 3; # Timeout to 5 seconds defaultTimeout = 5000; # Use Fira Code for font font = "Fira Code Nerd Font 10"; # Group by application groupBy = "app-name"; # Bottom right corner anchor = "bottom-right"; }; }; }