#!/usr/bin/env bash ### Mounts the given, bitlocker encrypted, ntfs partition ### ### Arguments: ### 1. The device to mount ### 2. The path to mount at ### 3. The path to the recovery code file ### ## Setup ### # Turn on the guard rails set -eou pipefail # Parse out the name of the device DEVICE_NAME=$(basename $1) # Make sure our /var directory exists mkdir -p /var/dislocker/$DEVICE_NAME # Make sure that the mountpoint exists mkdir -p $2 ### ## Mount dislocker ### dislocker-fuse -V $1 -p"$(cat $3)" -- /var/dislocker/$DEVICE_NAME ### ## Mount the underlying ntfs partition ### /run/wrappers/bin/mount -t ntfs-3g -o loop /var/dislocker/$DEVICE_NAME/dislocker-file $2