{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, ... }: let nathan = config.nathan; in with lib; { config = mkMerge [ (mkIf nathan.services.matrix.enable { # Enable nginx nathan.services.nginx.enable = true; services = { # Setup postgres postgresql = { enable = true; initialScript = pkgs.writeText "synapse-init.sql" '' CREATE ROLE "matrix-synapse" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'matrix-synapse'; CREATE DATABASE "synapse" WITH OWNER "synapse" TEMPLATE template0 LC_COLLATE = "C" LC_CTYPE = "C"; ''; }; # Setup synapse matrix-synapse = { enable = true; settings = { enable_registration = nathan.services.matrix.enableRegistration; server_name = nathan.services.matrix.baseDomain; listeners = [ { port = 8008; bind_addresses = [ "::1" ]; type = "http"; tls = false; x_forwarded = true; resources = [ { names = [ "client" "federation" ]; compress = false; } ]; } ]; database.args = { user = "matrix-synapse"; database = "synapse"; }; }; }; # Configure nginx nginx.virtualHosts = { "matrix.${nathan.services.matrix.baseDomain}" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; locations."/".extraConfig = '' rewrite ^(.*)$ http://${"element." + nathan.services.matrix.baseDomain}$1 redirect; ''; # forward all Matrix API calls to the synapse Matrix homeserver locations."/_matrix" = { proxyPass = "http://[::1]:8008"; # without a trailing / }; locations."/_synapse" = { proxyPass = "http://[::1]:8008"; # without a trailing / }; }; }; }; } ) (mkIf nathan.services.matrix.element { services.nginx.virtualHosts."element.${nathan.services.matrix.baseDomain}" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; root = inputs.nixpkgs-unstable.legacyPackages.${pkgs.system}.element-web.override { conf = { default_server_config."m.homeserver" = { "base_url" = "https://matrix.${nathan.services.matrix.baseDomain}"; "server_name" = "matrix.${nathan.services.matrix.baseDomain}"; }; showLabsSettings = true; settingDefaults.custom_themes = [ { "name" = "Discord Dark"; "is_dark" = true; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#747ff4"; "primary-color" = "#00aff4"; "warning-color" = "#ed4245d9"; 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}; } { "name" = "Dracula"; "is_dark" = true; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#bd93f9"; "primary-color" = "#bd93f9"; "warning-color" = "#bd93f9"; "sidebar-color" = "#1e1f29"; "roomlist-background-color" = "#1e1f29"; "roomlist-text-color" = "#eeeeee"; "roomlist-text-secondary-color" = "#eeeeee"; "roomlist-highlights-color" = "#00000030"; "roomlist-separator-color" = "#4d4d4d90"; "timeline-background-color" = "#282A36"; "timeline-text-color" = "#eeeeee"; "timeline-text-secondary-color" = "#dddddd"; "timeline-highlights-color" = "#00000030"; "reaction-row-button-selected-bg-color" = "#b9bbbe"; }; } { "name" = "Geeko dark theme"; "is_dark" = true; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#73ba25"; "primary-color" = "#35b9ab"; "warning-color" = "#bf616a"; "sidebar-color" = "#2a2a2a"; "roomlist-background-color" = "#4a4a4a"; "roomlist-text-color" = "#fff"; "roomlist-text-secondary-color" = "#ddd"; "roomlist-highlights-color" = "#2a2a2a"; "roomlist-separator-color" = "#3a3a3a"; "timeline-background-color" = "#3a3a3a"; "timeline-text-color" = "#eee"; "timeline-text-secondary-color" = "#6da741"; "timeline-highlights-color" = "#bf616a"; "reaction-row-button-selected-bg-color" = "#bf616a"; }; } { "name" = "Luxury Dark theme"; "is_dark" = true; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#D9BC00"; "primary-color" = "#FFDD00"; "warning-color" = "#FBC403"; "sidebar-color" = "#020F1B"; "roomlist-background-color" = "#011223"; "roomlist-highlights-color" = "#1E354A"; "roomlist-separator-color" = "#05192D"; "roomlist-text-color" = "#FFEC70"; "roomlist-text-secondary-color" = "#FFF3A4"; "timeline-background-color" = "#05192D"; "timeline-highlights-color" = "#011223"; "timeline-text-color" = "#FFF3A4"; "timeline-text-secondary-color" = "#A79000"; "reaction-row-button-selected-bg-color" = "#FFEC70"; }; } { "name" = "Nord dark theme"; "is_dark" = true; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#a3be8c"; "primary-color" = "#88c0d0"; "warning-color" = "#bf616a"; "sidebar-color" = "#2e3440"; "roomlist-background-color" = "#3b4252"; "roomlist-text-color" = "#ebcb8b"; "roomlist-text-secondary-color" = "#e5e9f0"; "roomlist-highlights-color" = "#2e3440"; "roomlist-separator-color" = "#434c5e"; "timeline-background-color" = "#434c5e"; "timeline-text-color" = "#eceff4"; "timeline-text-secondary-color" = "#81a1c1"; "timeline-highlights-color" = "#3b4252"; "reaction-row-button-selected-bg-color" = "#bf616a"; }; } { "name" = "Nord light theme"; "is_dark" = false; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#a3be8c"; "primary-color" = "#5e81ac"; "warning-color" = "#bf616a"; "sidebar-color" = "#d8dee9"; "roomlist-background-color" = "#e5e9f0"; "roomlist-text-color" = "#d08770"; "roomlist-text-secondary-color" = "#3b4252"; "roomlist-highlights-color" = "#eceff4"; "roomlist-separator-color" = "#eceff4"; "timeline-background-color" = "#eceff4"; "timeline-text-color" = "#2e3440"; "timeline-text-secondary-color" = "#3b4252"; "timeline-highlights-color" = "#e5e9f0"; "reaction-row-button-selected-bg-color" = "#bf616a"; }; } { "name" = "Selenized black theme"; "is_dark" = true; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#70b433"; "primary-color" = "#4695f7"; "warning-color" = "#ed4a46"; "sidebar-color" = "#181818"; "roomlist-background-color" = "#252525"; "roomlist-text-color" = "#ffffff"; "roomlist-text-secondary-color" = "#b9b9b9"; "roomlist-highlights-color" = "#3b3b3b"; "roomlist-separator-color" = "#121212"; "timeline-background-color" = "#181818"; "timeline-text-color" = "#FFFFFF"; "timeline-text-secondary-color" = "#777777"; "timeline-highlights-color" = "#252525"; "reaction-row-button-selected-bg-color" = "#4695f7"; }; } { "name" = "Selenized dark theme"; "is_dark" = true; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#41c7b9"; "primary-color" = "#4695f7"; "warning-color" = "#fa5750"; "sidebar-color" = "#103c48"; "roomlist-background-color" = "#184956"; "roomlist-text-color" = "#dbb32d"; "roomlist-text-secondary-color" = "#FFFFFF"; "roomlist-highlights-color" = "#2d5b69"; "roomlist-separator-color" = "#2d5b69"; "timeline-background-color" = "#2d5b69"; "timeline-text-color" = "#FFFFFF"; "timeline-text-secondary-color" = "#72898f"; "timeline-highlights-color" = "#184956"; "reaction-row-button-selected-bg-color" = "#4695f7"; }; } { "name" = "Selenized light theme"; "is_dark" = false; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#ad8900"; "primary-color" = "#009c8f"; "warning-color" = "#d2212d"; "sidebar-color" = "#d5cdb6"; "roomlist-background-color" = "#ece3cc"; "roomlist-text-color" = "#c25d1e"; "roomlist-text-secondary-color" = "#000000"; "roomlist-highlights-color" = "#fbf3db"; "roomlist-separator-color" = "#fbf3db"; "timeline-background-color" = "#fbf3db"; "timeline-text-color" = "#000000"; "timeline-text-secondary-color" = "#777777"; "timeline-highlights-color" = "#ece3cc"; "reaction-row-button-selected-bg-color" = "#4695f7"; }; } { "name" = "Solarized Dark"; "is_dark" = true; "colors" = { "accent-color" = "#b58900"; "primary-color" = "#268bd2"; "warning-color" = "#dc322f"; "sidebar-color" = "#002b36"; "roomlist-background-color" = "#073642"; "roomlist-text-color" = "#839496"; 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