{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (import ../lib.nix { inherit lib; inherit pkgs; }) nLib; in { imports = [ ../options.nix ./base.nix ./user.nix ./desktop.nix ./swaywm.nix ./hardware.nix ./virtualization.nix ./windows.nix ./programs/games.nix ./programs/gpg.nix ./programs/utils.nix ./services/ssh.nix ./services/tailscale.nix ./services/borg.nix ./services/nginx.nix ./services/matrix.nix ./services/ipfs.nix ./services/resolved.nix ]; options = with lib; with nLib; { nathan = { # Control enabling of services # Services are system specific so they go here services = { # Enable resolved resolved = { enable = mkEnableOption "resolved"; nameserver = mkOption { default = ""; }; domains = mkOption { default = [ "mccarty.io" "stranger.systems" "local" ]; }; }; # Use zramSwap, enabled by default zramSwap = mkDefaultOption "zram memory compression" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; # Enable ssh and configure firewall # On by default ssh = mkEnableOptionT "ssh"; # Enable tailscale, on by default on linux tailscale = { enable = mkDefaultOption "tailscale" pkgs.stdenv.isLinux; }; # Borg backup # Disabled by default as it requires configuration, but a really good idea to turn on borg = { enable = mkEnableOption "borg"; extraExcludes = mkOption { default = [ ]; description = "List of extra paths to exclude"; }; extraIncludes = mkOption { default = [ ]; description = "List of extra paths to include"; }; location = mkOption { default = "de1955@de1955.rsync.net:computers"; description = "Location to backup to"; type = lib.types.str; }; passwordFile = mkOption { description = "Path to the password file"; type = lib.types.str; }; sshKey = mkOption { description = "Path to the ssh key"; type = lib.types.str; }; startAt = mkOption { description = "How often to run backups"; default = "hourly"; }; }; # Nginx nginx = { enable = mkEnableOption "nginx"; acme = mkEnableOption "ACME Integration"; }; # Matrix matrix = { enable = mkEnableOption "matrix"; baseDomain = mkOption { description = "Base domain to use for the matrix services"; example = "mccarty.io"; type = lib.types.str; }; element = mkDefaultOption "element" config.nathan.services.matrix.enable; enableRegistration = mkEnableOption "synapse registration"; }; # Kubo kubo = { enable = mkEnableOption "kubo"; }; }; # Linux (desktop/server, not android) specific programs programs = { # Install games games = mkEnableOption "games"; # Install gpg with yubikey support # Enabled by default if the system is a desktop gpg = mkDefaultOption "gpg" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; utils = { # Enable multi system emulation # Enabled by default on desktop binfmt = mkDefaultOption "binfmt" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; }; }; # Control enabling of hardware support hardware = { # Logitech hardware support # On by default if the system is a desktop logitech = mkDefaultOption "logitech" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; # AMD Single gpu passthrough amdPassthrough = mkEnableOption "logitech"; # Printing setup printing = mkEnableOption "printing"; }; # Linux specific configuration config = { # Wether or not to install the main user installUser = mkOption { default = pkgs.stdenv.isLinux; example = true; description = "Whether to install the 'nathan' user"; type = lib.types.bool; }; # Should we harden this system? # On by default harden = mkEnableOptionT "Apply system hardening"; # Enable audio subsystem # On by default if the system is a desktop audio = mkDefaultOption "audio" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; # Basic grub configuration # Off by default setupGrub = mkEnableOption "Setup grub"; # Install fonts # On by default if the system is a desktop fonts = mkDefaultOption "fonts" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; # Enable unfree software # On by default enableUnfree = mkEnableOptionT "unfree software"; # Nix configuration nix = { # Automatic GC and optimization of the nix store # On by default autoGC = mkEnableOptionT "Nix store optimization and auto gc"; # Automatic updating of the system # On by default autoUpdate = mkEnableOptionT "Nix autoupdating"; }; # Swaywm configuration # On by default if the system is a desktop swaywm = { enable = mkOption { default = config.nathan.config.isDesktop; example = true; description = "Whether to setup swaywm"; type = lib.types.bool; }; }; # Virtualization configuration # All on by default if the system is a desktop virtualization = { qemu = mkDefaultOption "qemu" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; docker = mkDefaultOption "docker" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; lxc = mkDefaultOption "lxc" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; nixos = mkDefaultOption "nixos containers" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; crosvm = mkDefaultOption "crosvm" config.nathan.config.isDesktop; }; # Support for interacting with a dual booted windows system windows = { enable = mkEnableOption "Windows Integration"; mount = { enable = mkDefaultOption "Mount a bitlockered windows partition" config.nathan.config.windows.enable; device = mkOption { description = "Device to mount"; example = "/dev/sda2"; type = types.str; }; mountPoint = mkOption { description = "Location to mount the device to"; example = "/dev/sda2"; type = types.str; }; keyFile = mkOption { description = "File containing the recovery key for the partition"; type = types.str; }; }; }; }; }; }; config = { # Enable the firewall networking.firewall.enable = true; # Enable unfree packages nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = config.nathan.config.enableUnfree; # Work around for discord jank ugh nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [ "electron-13.6.9" ]; # Set system state version system.stateVersion = "22.05"; nix = { # Enable flakes package = pkgs.nixFlakes; extraOptions = '' experimental-features = nix-command flakes ''; # Setup my binary cache settings = { substituters = [ "https://nix-cache.mccarty.io/" "https://nix-community.cachix.org" ]; trusted-public-keys = [ "nathan-nix-cache:R5/0GiItBM64sNgoFC/aSWuAopOAsObLcb/mwDf335A=" "nix-community.cachix.org-1:mB9FSh9qf2dCimDSUo8Zy7bkq5CX+/rkCWyvRCYg3Fs=" ]; }; }; }; }