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@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
```idris hide
```idris hide
module LessMacrosMoreTypes.Printf
module LessMacrosMoreTypes.Printf
%default total
import Data.List
import System
While C can provide convenient string formatting by having hideously memory
While C can provide convenient string formatting by having hideously memory
@ -33,10 +34,19 @@ equivalent:
example_usage : String
printf "%s %d %2d" "hello" 1 2
example_usage = printf "%s %d %2d" "hello" 1 2
Idris lacks a dedicated facility for variadics, but we can call functions in
type signatures, Idris allows us to manipulate types as first class values, and
we can use the runtime values of previous arguments to the function we are
defining as arguments to our type-level function.
To get our variadic `printf` function, we can parse our format string into a
data structure, then pass that data structure into a type-level function that
calculates the rest of the type signature of our `printf` function based on its
## Parsing a Format String
## Parsing a Format String
First, we need a data structure to describe our format string. We define the
First, we need a data structure to describe our format string. We define the
@ -47,9 +57,9 @@ be supporting, as well as a constructor to hold literal components.
data Format : Type where
data Format : Type where
||| A slot that should be filled in with a number
||| A slot that should be filled in with a number
Number : (next : Format) -> Format
Number : (next : Format) -> Format
||| A slot that should be filled in with a number, padded to a certian number
||| A slot that should be filled in with a number, padded to a certian number
||| of digits
||| of digits
PaddedNumber : (digits : Nat) -> Format
PaddedNumber : (digits : Nat) -> (next : Format) -> Format
||| A slot that should be filled in with a string
||| A slot that should be filled in with a string
Str : (next : Format) -> Format
Str : (next : Format) -> Format
||| A literal component of the format string that should not be interpolated
||| A literal component of the format string that should not be interpolated
@ -58,8 +68,168 @@ data Format : Type where
End : Format
End : Format
We'll need to be able to parse numbers for our `PaddedNumber` constructor, so
we'll write a little helper function to handle that component of the parsing.
Simply keep pulling off characters, converting them to integers by shifting
their ordinal values.
> On Idris 2's chez scheme backend, these are unicode ordinals, where the digit
> characters are in numerical order, but the values are backend dependent and
> this code is not guaranteed to work properly on other backends.
parseNumber : (xs : List Char) -> (acc : Nat) -> (Nat, List Char)
parseNumber [] acc = (acc, [])
parseNumber (x :: xs) acc =
if isDigit x
then let value = cast $ (ord x) - (ord '0')
in parseNumber xs (acc * 10 + value)
else (acc, x :: xs)
We'll also want another one to scoop up a literal into a `List Char`, continuing
until we hit the end of the string or the next `%`. This is optional, we could
have each literal consist of an individual char, but we will go ahead and group
them together.
parseLiteral : (xs : List Char) -> (List Char, List Char)
parseLiteral [] = ([], [])
parseLiteral ('%' :: xs) = ([], '%' :: xs)
parseLiteral (x :: xs) =
let (literal, rest) = parseLiteral xs
in (x :: literal, rest)
Parse our format string into our `Format` data structure. The specifics of the
parsing here aren't really material to the main point of this article, but we
use a basic pattern matching approach, calling into our helper functions as
parseFormat : (xs : List Char) -> Maybe Format
parseFormat [] = Just End
-- A `%` has to come before a specifier
parseFormat ('%' :: []) = Nothing
parseFormat ('%' :: (x :: xs)) =
if isDigit x
-- Invoke parseNumber to get our padding specifier
then let (digits, rest) = parseNumber (x :: xs) 0
in case rest of
-- A padding specifier has to come before something
[] => Nothing
('d' :: ys) => do
rest <- parseFormat ys
Just $ PaddedNumber digits rest
-- A padding specifier is only valid before a number specifier
(y :: ys) => Nothing
-- Parse as an unpadded specifier
else case x of
'd' => do
rest <- parseFormat xs
Just $ Number rest
's' => do
rest <- parseFormat xs
Just $ Str rest
-- Any other character here is an invalid specifier
_ => Nothing
parseFormat (x :: xs) =
let (literal, rest) = parseLiteral (x :: xs)
in do
rest <- parseFormat rest
Just $ Literal (pack literal) rest
## Calculating a Type From a Format String
## Calculating a Type From a Format String
PrintfType' : Format -> Type
PrintfType' (Number next) =
(num : Nat) -> PrintfType' next
PrintfType' (PaddedNumber digits next) =
(num : Nat) -> PrintfType' next
PrintfType' (Str next) =
(str : String) -> PrintfType' next
PrintfType' (Literal literal next) =
PrintfType' next
PrintfType' End = String
PrintfType : Maybe Format -> Type
PrintfType Nothing = Void -> String
PrintfType (Just x) = PrintfType' x
## printf
## printf
## Working with run-time format strings
### With the Format Structure
```idris hide
left_pad : (len : Nat) -> (pad : Char) -> (str : String) -> String
left_pad len pad str =
let cs = unpack str
in if length cs < len
then pack $ replicate (len `minus` length cs) pad ++ cs
else str
printfFmt : (fmt : Maybe Format) -> (acc : String) -> PrintfType fmt
printfFmt Nothing acc =
\void => absurd void
printfFmt (Just x) acc = printfFmt' x acc
printfFmt' : (fmt : Format) -> (acc : String) -> PrintfType' fmt
printfFmt' (Number next) acc =
\i => printfFmt' next (acc ++ show i)
printfFmt' (PaddedNumber digits next) acc =
\i => printfFmt' next (acc ++ left_pad digits '0' (show i))
printfFmt' (Str next) acc =
\str => printfFmt' next (acc ++ str)
printfFmt' (Literal literal next) acc =
printfFmt' next (acc ++ literal)
printfFmt' End acc = acc
### With a Format String
printf : (fmt : String) -> PrintfType (parseFormat (unpack fmt))
printf fmt = printfFmt _ ""
We can call `printf` as expected, with the number of and types of the arguments
being determined by the provided format string:
```idris hide
-- @@test printf hello world
helloWorld : IO Bool
helloWorld = do
pure $
printf "%s %s%s %3d %d" "Hello" "world" "!" 1 23 == "Hello world! 001 23"
It will even fail to compile if you attempt to provide arguments to an invalid
format string, which we can demonstrate by trying to apply a padding modifier to
a string specifier:
> [!NOTE]
> `failing` blocks have an additional feature, they will trigger a compiler
> error if their contents _do_ compile successfully.
printf "Hello %s %3s" "world" "!"
## Working With Run-Time Format Strings
## Conclusions
### Why this API isn't really a great idea
<!-- Doesn't fail to compile if you don't pass any arguments -->
Add table
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