use v6.e.PREVIEW; #| Post database unit module DB; use Pandoc; use JSON::Class:auth; use DB::Post; use DB::BlogMeta; use DB::MarkdownPost; use DB::IdrisPost; use DB::PlaceholderPost; class Posts is json( :dictionary( :keyof(Int:D), MarkdownPost:D, IdrisPost:D, PlaceholderPost:D, )) {} subset PostTypes where MarkdownPost:D | IdrisPost:D | PlaceholderPost:D; #| The top level posts database class PostDB is json(:pretty) { #| The metadat for the blog has BlogMeta:D $.meta is required; #| A mapping from post ids to posts has %.posts is Posts; #| The post id to use for placeholder posts has Int $.placeholder-id = 0; method TWEAK() { %!posts := unless %!posts; } #| Get the next unused post ID method next-post-id(--> Int) { if %!posts.elems > 0 { %!posts.keys.max + 1 } else { 0 } } #| Insert a new post to the DB, returning its id method insert-post(PostTypes $post --> Int) { my $id =; %!posts{$id} = $post; $id } #| Initialize a new database method init(BlogMeta:D $meta --> PostDB:D) { my %posts is Posts =; %posts{0} = PlaceholderPost.empty; meta => $meta, posts => %posts, ) } }