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Year 2015 Day 11

This day provides a gentle introduction to refinement types, types which augment other types with a predicate that must hold for all the values of the refined type, which allow easily defining types as subsets of other types based on some property of the acceptable elements.

While refinement types are quite easy to implement in Idris, and we easily could implement the one we need for today's task as a throw away data structure just for this module, we will be using the refined1 library's implementation for the sake of getting on with it.

module Years.Y2015.Day11

import Control.Eff

import Runner
import Data.Vect
import Data.String
import Data.Refined.Char

import Util

Data Structures and Parsing

Provide a predicate which establishes that a char is a lowercase alphabetic character, the only type of character that passwords are allowed to contain. We use the FromTo predicate from the refined1 library to restrict chars to within the range from a to z.

This predicate has multiplicity 0, a full discussion of multiplicites and linear types is out of scope for today, but put simply this enforces that a value of this predicate type can be "used" at most 0 times, having the effect of erasing the value at runtime, making this more or less a zero-cost abstraction.

0 IsPasswordChar : Char -> Type
IsPasswordChar = FromTo 'a' 'z'

Combine a Char with its corresponding IsPasswordChar predicate into a combined "refined" type, whose elements are the subset of Chars that are lowercase alphabetic characters.

record PasswordChar where
  constructor MkPC
  char : Char
  {auto 0 prf : IsPasswordChar char}
%name PasswordChar pc
Show PasswordChar where
  show (MkPC char) = singleton char

Eq PasswordChar where
  x == y = x.char == y.char

A function to fallible convert Chars into refined PasswordChars, this will return Just if the Char satisfies the predicate, and Nothing otherwise, aligning with the type-level guarantees of the PasswordChar type.

refineChar : Char -> Maybe PasswordChar
refineChar c = map fromSubset $ refine0 c
    fromSubset : Subset Char IsPasswordChar -> PasswordChar
    fromSubset (Element char prf) = MkPC char

Convenience function returning a as a PasswordChar

lowest : PasswordChar
lowest = MkPC 'a'

"Increment" a PasswordChar, changing it to the next letter (a becomes b, b becomes c, so on), returning nothing if we go past z, corresponding to a carry.

We do this by converting the internal Char to an integer, adding one to it, then converting back to a Char. This low-level conversion loses the refinement context, forcing us to call refineChar on the new value to bring it back into the refined type, providing us type-level assurance that this function will return Nothing if an overflow occurs.

incriment : PasswordChar -> Maybe PasswordChar
incriment (MkPC char) = 
  let next = chr $ ord char + 1
  in refineChar next

A Password is a Vect of 8 PasswordChars. This Vect is sorted in reverse order compared to the String it corresponds to, with the right-most letter first, to make implementing the incrimentPassword function a little easier and cleaner.

We also provide conversion to/from a String

Password : Type
Password = Vect 8 PasswordChar
parsePassword : Has (Except String) fs => String -> Eff fs Password
parsePassword str = do
  cs <- note "Password has incorrect number of characters: \{str}" 
        . toVect 8 . reverse . unpack $ str
  cs <- note "Password contained invalid characters: \{str}" 
        $ traverse refineChar cs
  pure cs

passwordToString : Password -> String
passwordToString = pack . toList . reverse . map char

Define a function to increment a Password, this function will "roll over", producing aaaaaaaa if provided zzzzzzzz.

incrimentPassword : Vect n PasswordChar -> Vect n PasswordChar
incrimentPassword [] = []
incrimentPassword (x :: xs) = 
  case incriment x of
    Nothing => lowest :: incrimentPassword xs
    Just x => x :: xs

Password validity

A password must contain a run of at least 3 incrementing characters, check this by converting the PasswordChars to their integer representations. Remember that our Password Vect is backwards compared to the string representation.

incrimentingChars : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool
incrimentingChars (z :: next@(y :: (x :: xs))) = 
  let [x, y, z] : Vect _ Int = map (ord . char) [x, y, z]
  in if y == x + 1 && z == y + 1
    then True
    else incrimentingChars next
incrimentingChars _ = False

A password may not contain i, o, or l

noInvalidChars : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool
noInvalidChars = not . (any (flip contains $ ['i', 'o', 'l'])) . map char

A password contains at least two different non-overlapping pairs.

We check this by pattern matching our password two characters at a time, consuming both characters if a matched pair is found, and tacking on the Char the list is composed of to an accumulator list as we go. This list is then reduced to only its unique elements (it's nub), and checking to see if it's length is at least 2.

containsPairs : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool
containsPairs xs = length (nub $ pairs (reverse xs) []) >= 2
    pairs : Vect m PasswordChar -> (acc : List Char) -> List Char
    pairs [] acc = acc
    pairs (x :: []) acc = acc
    pairs (x :: (y :: xs)) acc = 
      if x == y 
        -- If there is a pair, consume it to prevent detecting overlapping pairs
        then pairs xs (x.char :: acc)
        -- If there isn't a pair, only consume one character
        else pairs (y :: xs) acc

Combine our password criteria into one function

passwordCriteria : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool
passwordCriteria xs = incrimentingChars xs && noInvalidChars xs && containsPairs xs

Find the next password

Find the next password based on a criteria function

findNextPassword : 
  (f : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool) -> (password : Vect n PasswordChar)
  -> Vect n PasswordChar
findNextPassword f password = 
  let next = incrimentPassword password
  in if f next
    then next
    else findNextPassword f next

Part Functions

Part 1

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (String, Password)
part1 = do
  input <- map trim $ askAt "input"
  password <- parsePassword input
  info "Starting password: \{show password} -> \{passwordToString password}"
  let next_password = findNextPassword passwordCriteria password
  pure (passwordToString next_password, next_password)

Part 2

part2 : Password -> Eff (PartEff String) String
part2 password = do
    "Second starting password: \{show password} -> \{passwordToString password}"
  let next_password = findNextPassword passwordCriteria password
  pure $ passwordToString next_password
public export
day11 : Day
day11 = Both 11 part1 part2
