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Some example code with some potential problem characters:

let newline_string = "hello \n world";
let thing = *newline_string;

Here is some example rust code:

fn main() {
    // Statements here are executed when the compiled binary is called.

    // Print text to the console
    println!("Hello World!");

And a slightly less trivial example:

fn main() {
    // Variables can be type annotated.
    let logical: bool = true;

    let a_float: f64 = 1.0;  // Regular annotation
    let an_integer   = 5i32; // Suffix annotation

    // Or a default will be used.
    let default_float   = 3.0; // 
    let default_integer = 7;   // 

    // A type can also be inferred from context.
    let mut inferred_type = 12; // Type i64 is inferred from another line.
    inferred_type = 4294967296i64;

    // A mutable variable's value can be changed.
    let mut mutable = 12; // Mutable 
    mutable = 21;

    // Error! The type of a variable can't be changed.
    mutable = true;

    // Variables can be overwritten with shadowing.
    let mutable = true;

    /* Compound types - Array and Tuple */

    // Array signature consists of Type T and length as [T; length].
    let my_array: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

    // Tuple is a collection of values of different types 
    // and is constructed using parentheses ().
    let my_tuple = (5u32, 1u8, true, -5.04f32);

Toss in some type definitions to

struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

// A unit struct
struct Unit;

// A tuple struct
struct Pair(i32, f32);

enum WebEvent {
    // An  variant may either be 
    // like tuple structs,
    // or c-like structures.
    Click { x: i64, y: i64 },

struct Point {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

// Implementation block, all  associated functions & methods go in here
impl Point {
    // This is an "associated function" because this function is associated with
    // a particular type, that is, Point.
    // Associated functions don't need to be called with an instance.
    // These functions are generally used like constructors.
    fn origin() -> Point {
        Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }

    // Another associated function, taking two arguments:
    fn new(x: f64, y: f64) -> Point {
        Point { x: x, y: y }

Modules and imports


use deeply::nested::function as other_function;
use std::fs::File;

fn function() {
    println!("called function()");

mod deeply {
    pub mod nested {
        pub fn function() {
            println!("called deeply::nested::function()");

struct Val {
    val: f64,

struct GenVal<T> {
    gen_val: T,

// impl of Val
impl Val {
    fn value(&self) -> &f64 {

impl<T> GenVal<T> {
    fn value(&self) -> &T {

let a = Box::new(5i32);

macro_rules! say_hello {
    () => {
        // The macro will expand into the contents of this block.

macro_rules! calculate {
    (eval $e:expr) => {
            let val: usize = $e; // Force types to be unsigned integers
            println!("{} = {}", stringify!{$e}, val);

fn give_adult(drink: Option<&str>) {
    // Specify a course of action for each case.
    match drink {
        Some("lemonade") => println!("Yuck! Too sugary."),
        Some(inner)   => println!("{}? How nice.", inner),
        None          => println!("No drink? Oh well."),

impl Person {

    // Gets the area code of the phone number of the person's job, if it exists.
    fn work_phone_area_code(&self) -> Option<u8> {
        // It would take a lot more code - try writing it yourself and see which
        // is easier.

#[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
#[link(name = "m")]
extern {
    // this is a foreign function
    // that computes the square root of a single precision complex number
    fn csqrtf(z: Complex) -> Complex;

    fn ccosf(z: Complex) -> Complex;

fn main() {
    let raw_p: *const u32 = &10;

    unsafe {
        assert!(*raw_p == 10);